International Justice Mission (IJM)
International Justice Mission (IJM) has organised training for investigators with the Anti Human Trafficking Unit of the Volta Regional Police Command in Ho.
According to the organisers, the 10-day training is aimed at enhancing the skills of investigators whose chief task is to help reduce or possibly eliminate the incident of Human Trafficking in the region.
They took participants through various aspects of the investigation into issues relating to Human Trafficking.
However, the Regional Police Commander, DCOP MR. Edward Oduro Kwateng noted that human trafficking was a global menace where Ghana was identified as a source, transit and destination country for the traffickers.
He further lamented the incidents of trafficking young boys and girls to fishing communities to engage in fishing and selling smoked fish respectively.
Participants at the end of the training expressed their appreciation to IJM, the facilitators especially C/Supt. Rtd MR. Felix Mawusi for the knowledge imparted and also assured of putting the new skills to good use in enhancing their productivity.