
Ibn Chambas eulogises National Chief Imam

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Tue, 23 Apr 2019 Source:

United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for West and the Sahel Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas has eulogised the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu describing him as an astute, disciplinary and a humility personified who must be celebrated and adored by all.

Speaking at a Breakfast Lecture to mark the centenary birthday celebration of the National Chief Imam today, April 23, Dr. Ibn Chambas said Sheikh Nuhu Sharubutu is an embodiment of humility and must be commended for the unity he has built over the years between Christians and Muslims.

According to him, the Chief Imam’s style of leadership is a testament that Muslims and Christians can live in harmony, unlike countries that see other religions as a threat.

Eulogising the Chief Imam for his achievements and great works towards the peace of this country, Dr. Ibn Chambas portrayed him as an icon worth honouring because he has rightfully earned the respect he deserves by all and sundry.

Dr. Ibn Chambas further attributed the Chief Imam’s longevity to his enviable personality reiterating how Allah has blessed him abundantly due to his humble and affable nature.

Extolling him with accolades he said, “the National Chief Imam is an icon and it’s for me a deep and humbling moment to be addressing this occasion and to speak to the qualities of a man who has made such an invaluable contribution to the life of this country and who has touched so many of us individually through his press, his guidance and wise counselling and personally being an avid admirer of his remarkable qualities and one who has been inspired by him”.

“He is humility personified for in spite of all the high titles he has rightfully earned and deserves, he actually is more comfortable when he’s simply called Mallam Osman. Such is the simplicity of the man we’re celebrating today. And today, we celebrate Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu the spiritual leader, the father, nation builder, peacemaker, philanthropist, the one who unifies Muslims and Christians, Zongos and non-Zongos, all together,” he added.

The National Chief Imam in a symbolic gesture on Sunday, April 21 joined congregants of the Christ the King Church in Accra in worship and was received on arrival by the Parish Priest, Rev Father Andrew Campbell.

Many social media users who spotted the Chief Imam at the church said the move is a great effort towards religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the country.

The visit was ahead of the celebration of his 100th birthday today, organised by the Office of the Vice President at the Movenpick Ambassador Hotel on the theme “Advancement of modern Ghanaian society through peace, tolerance and development” to recognise his immense contribution towards the peace and development of this country.

Biography of the national chief Imam

Osman Nuhu Sharubutu was born in Accra Old Fadama in April 23, 1923.

He studied under his father, the late Sheikh Nuhu Bin Mohammed Sharabutu, his mother, late Ayishatu Abbas (Mma Tasidi) and his uncle, the late Sheikh Mazanwaje Abbas, who was the leader of the Tijaniyyah Movement of Ghana at the time.

On like other children, he rarely had time to play because he was completely devoted to his books, which helped him tremendously to commit to memory various Al-hadiths of the Holy Prophet, Islamic texts, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic literature.

By the age of twelve, Osmanu had mastered the recitation of the whole of the Holy Qur'an and had become one of the youngest Huffaz at the time to have memorized numerous verses and Suras (chapters) of it. When his father, Sheikh Nuhu, realised the potentials of his son, he decided to send him to a new learning environment in Kumasi where he studied under Sheikh Abdoullah Dan Tano among other prominent scholars.

Mallam Ousman became a completely changed and reformed personality upon return from Kumasi, due to deep knowledge he acquired outside his original environment. After careful contemplation, he made the decision of devoting his time to teaching the Muslim youth who are keen in learning to become Islamic Scholars, thinkers and Sheikhs in future. Among his students are Sheikh Yahya El-Ameen, Mallam Adam Attah, Mallam Saeed, Alhadji Jibril Madaha, Mallam Ibrahima Nyass, Mohammed Muniru "Dan Alfah" and Mallam Zurkanain.

He remained in the teaching profession for a number of years. Due to his keen love for knowledge, anytime he heard of an Islamic Sheikh, he rushed to him as a student in order to learn and benefit from that scholar. Notable scholars whom he conferred within that regard include Sheikh Abubakar Fulaaty Al Kanawy from Northern Nigeria and Sheikh Alhadi (Baraw). Sheikh Baraw taught him interpretation of the Holy Quran, Classical Arabic Language, Literature and Texts whiles Sheikh Abubakar Fulaaty Al Kanawy enlightened him on Arabic Culture, Al-Hadith of the Holy Prophet, Arabic Texts and Fundamentals of Sufism.

In 1974, after lengthy debates and consultations among the country`s traditional Muslims (Tijaniyyas) and concerned parties, it was agreed by consensus that Sheikh Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu should be appointed to deputy Imam of Tijaniyya in Ghana.

However, Sheikh Osman turned down the offer of appointment with the excuse that he was a professional Islamic teacher and educator with over 20 students under his care at the time and he was concerned about their future growth and development.

It was later and after further persuasions and persistence by the Islamic teachers that Sheikh Osmanu realised that the appointment was a divine call for him to serve Islam and the Muslim communities.

In 1993, he succeeded his cousin, Sheikh Mukhtar Abbas who was ill and physically weak as head of Tijaniyya Muslims in Ghana.

As National Chief Imam

Sheikh Osman was appointed in 1993 to occupy the newly created office as the first National Chief Imam of the Republic of Ghana and invested at a simple but colorful ceremony.

Throughout his life, Sheikh Osman has had a reputation for promoting Islamic education and encouraging the establishment of formal educational institutions.

Sheikh Osmanu and managed by various individuals has established seven educational institutions in the Greater Accra Region.

He has built many Arabic Schools, Islamic Centers and Mosques. He spends huge sums of money organizing conferences, seminars and symposia on thorny Islamic issues prevailing in the Islamic societies and the country as a whole.

He has undertaken a number of official state visits to connect with Ghanaian communities in the diaspora. On all occasions, he emphasises the need for Ghanaians in the diaspora to live exemplary lives and abide by the rules of their host countries in order to portray a positive image for their home country.

He is responsible for the realization of two national holidays in the official calendar of the Republic of Ghana; Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr.

In 2002, he foundered The Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu Education Trust Fund (SONSETFUND); a Non-governmental organisation committed to supporting education in deprived communities in Ghana. The Sonsetfund provides support for individuals at different levels as well as supporting the youth in literacy and skills training to attain Higher Education.

He also established an orphanage center to look after the education and welfare of homeless Muslim kids in Ghana called the Nuuru Usmaniya Foundation for Humanitarian Services and Development (NUSMA)

He is well known for his exemplary lifestyle and generosity to people who face him with their personal problems.

He has personally sponsored hundreds of needy Muslim children mostly from the disadvantaged and vulnerable Muslim communities in Ghana.

He was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in 2013 by the University of Ghana for his wondrous contribution to public service and his immense contribution at maintaining peace and development in Ghana.
