
Incompetent Yamin is unfit to criticize the Agric Minister - Issah Alhassan

Yamin 1111 Joseph Yamin

Sat, 2 Sep 2017 Source:

Press Secretary to the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Ridwan Issah Alhassan, has said he is saddened that an incompetent Joseph Yamin has described the Agric Minister as incompetent and has called for his sack.

“How can someone who got sacked twice as a deputy minister describe another as incompetent? Yamin had an aura of incompetence around him both as a deputy minister for Ashanti Region and Sports. Every position he took was fraught with controversy. I don’t think its worth it responding to such vituperative from a man who couldn’t handle himself as a deputy minister.”

According to him, the opposition National Democratice Congress is not happy with the fact that the NPP has within a few months introduced several programmes to support farmers in order to increase their lot and are therefore finding several ways to make the NPP look bad in the sight of the people of Ghana.

I think people like Yamin whose only preoccupation is to sit on radio and comment on every single issue with political lenses must not be given attention. What we are witnessing at the moment is a tremendous improvement of farming activities across the country. I am currently in the northern region and the testimonies the youth here are given is amazing.”

He said further that“right from day one, the NDC have targeted the flagship Planting for Food and Jobs for criticism. Now they are telling us it was their ideology. You see they are themselves confused. The truth is that it is hitting them hard; they are gradually losing their support base amongst our galabt farmers and that is their headache.”

Commenting on claims that the Agric Minister does not work in collaboration with his deputy ministers, Issah Alhassan responded emphatically “Yamin must not sit and think that we can behave like them, he had issues with his two ministers leading to his sack. At MOFA here all the ministers have stronger working collaboration and it is yielding positive results.”
