On the occasion of the 49th Anniversary of Ghana?s Independence, let us all remember the essence of the Struggle for the old freedom from colonialism to independent Ghana led by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah: self-determination, progressive development and unitarism.
In less than three years from now Ghanaians will have the opportunity to fight once again for Ghana?s policy freedom on a single political platform of Nkrumaists United for Government.
Thus, whilst we celebrate this 6th March anniversary, let us remind ourselves that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah?s philosophy and ideology has living roots in Ghanaian life and Ghanaian society today. During the celebration for instance, we shall all witness the equal treatment of all religions in the nation he founded, derived from Dr. Nkrumah?s own Consciencism, which accepts the equality of all human beings whether Christian, Moslem or Traditionalist. Ghana?s national foundation was built on this fundamental principle of human and ethnic equality.
Under an Nkrumaist Government, Nkrumaism, born of the fire of our contemporary struggles against poverty, ethnic divisions and corrupt governance, will be made a reality. This will be contrary to those who believe in the annual ritual of arranging and classifying Nkrumaism with the delicate care lavished on museum pieces and historical relics. Many, as you know, talk of Kwame Nkrumah mainly or only in the past tense but never tell us of Nkrumaism for future political action: an Nkrumaist Government in Ghana as early as 2009 for instance.
Together, Fellow Ghanaians, armed with a progressive programme behind which all the positive forces of our beloved nation will be united, let us all prepare to fight in the coming 2008 electoral contest against negative forces to free Ghana from the two-party liberal (NDC)-conservative (NPP) domination to a three way contest between progressives, liberals and conservatives and to bring Ghana the new freedom from poverty into wealth.
For now, let us all make the best of this independence day of 6th March 2006.
May God Our Father, Allah the Ever Compassionate and Ever Merciful and All Our Ancestors bless you all.
Thank you.
Osahene Boakye Djan,
Presidential Candidate, Campaign of Nkrumaists United for Government (CNUG) 2009.
For more information please contact the Campaign of Nkrumaists United for Government 2009 at Email address: campaign_nug2009@yahoo.co.uk