
International Council for Clergy slams gay relationship

Thu, 11 Aug 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 11, GNA - The Presiding Archbishop of the International Council for Clergy (ICC), Archbishop Dr George Slezer Ofori-Atta on Thursda= y joined the national outcry against the rising incidence of gay relationship in Ghana, slamming it as 93ungodly".

"God's injunctions are clear and unambiguous=85on the issue of mar= riage and homosexuality. He created the sexes and conscientiously instituted marriage and the Holy Orders of this institution, being that He first created Adam and then Eve," he explained.

Archbishop Ofori-Atta made this known in a statement issued to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Thursday in connection with the International Executive Presbytery of the ICC in preparation for the 20th International Public Ministerial Ordination on 27th August, during which a number of men and women would be ordained into the holy orders of the Ministry. He said God has expressly declared His will positively that He hates, detests and abhors homosexuality; and there is damnation for all practitioners and admirers of homosexuality.

The Presiding Archbishop said God demonstrated His disgust for these dastardly acts of homosexuals by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. "The Word 91Sodomi' describing homosexuality was coined from the City Sodom in respect of the prevalence of this abominable act=85 God did not sp= are these cities; He rained fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah making them defunct.

"By this ferocious act of God, He unequivocally and unambiguously declared, sanctioned and established that anyone who ever does that, naturally declares himself/herself a rebel, antagonist and an enemy of God and a damnable person attracting the same judgment meted out to Sodom and Gomorrah from God with dispatch." Archbishop Ofori-Atta said the judgment of God was not only upon practitioners, but also on all admirers, encouragers and helpers and therefore warned the Ghanaian authorities especially Parliament not to legalise gay marriages. "Let the Government heed to wisdom and arise in these perilous times and bar the practice of homosexuality=85We, as an Ecclesiastical Body, condemn=85homosexuality=85 and call on the Executive and the Legislature to enact and pass a law that will bar the perpetuation of homosexuality in thi= s Beloved Nation of ours, 93he added.

Source: GNA