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Irish student victims weep for accused

Wed, 7 Aug 2002 Source:  

Two female Irish students who are currently in the country on a visit, on Tuesday caused a stir at the premises of the Cape Coast court complex, when they broke down and wept after a circuit tribunal sentenced a man they had befriended and who robbed them of their cash and other belongings.

The man, Samuel Owusu, 44, unemployed, pleaded guilty to stealing with explanation, and the tribunal, presided over by Mr. Peter Aggrey sentenced him to three years imprisonment in hard labour. The students, who pleaded anonymity, started wailing soon after the sentence was passed on Owusu.

They later approached the prosecutor and told him that Owusu's sentence was "too harsh" and asked whether they could appeal for mitigation.

Chief Inspector Hope Azasoo told the tribunal that the two students who are visiting Cape Coast, are lodging at the 'Samo Guest House' and were roaming in town in the early hours of Tuesday when they met Owusu at about 3.30 AM and asked him to accompany them to a drinking spot.

He said Owusu agreed and after buying them some drinks, accompanied them back to the guesthouse, but they became afraid and attempted to rush into their room when his mood suddenly changed. Inspector Azasoo said in the process, one of them tripped and fell and lost hold of her bag containing 100 dollars cash, another 100 dollars in travellers' cheques, 428,000 cedis, a passport and other personal effects.

The prosecutor said, when they got to their room and realized that the bag was missing, they immediately informed the watchman at the guest house and lodged a complaint with the Police. Chief inspector Azasoo said the watchman decided to look for the bag and came out onto the street, and found Owusu holding a black polythene bag but, he started running off when he Azazoo approaching him.

He said Owusu refused to stop when he attempted to stop him, and he raised an alarm and a mob chased and arrested Owusu, who was found with the money and the other items.

Two female Irish students who are currently in the country on a visit, on Tuesday caused a stir at the premises of the Cape Coast court complex, when they broke down and wept after a circuit tribunal sentenced a man they had befriended and who robbed them of their cash and other belongings.

The man, Samuel Owusu, 44, unemployed, pleaded guilty to stealing with explanation, and the tribunal, presided over by Mr. Peter Aggrey sentenced him to three years imprisonment in hard labour. The students, who pleaded anonymity, started wailing soon after the sentence was passed on Owusu.

They later approached the prosecutor and told him that Owusu's sentence was "too harsh" and asked whether they could appeal for mitigation.

Chief Inspector Hope Azasoo told the tribunal that the two students who are visiting Cape Coast, are lodging at the 'Samo Guest House' and were roaming in town in the early hours of Tuesday when they met Owusu at about 3.30 AM and asked him to accompany them to a drinking spot.

He said Owusu agreed and after buying them some drinks, accompanied them back to the guesthouse, but they became afraid and attempted to rush into their room when his mood suddenly changed. Inspector Azasoo said in the process, one of them tripped and fell and lost hold of her bag containing 100 dollars cash, another 100 dollars in travellers' cheques, 428,000 cedis, a passport and other personal effects.

The prosecutor said, when they got to their room and realized that the bag was missing, they immediately informed the watchman at the guest house and lodged a complaint with the Police. Chief inspector Azasoo said the watchman decided to look for the bag and came out onto the street, and found Owusu holding a black polythene bag but, he started running off when he Azazoo approaching him.

He said Owusu refused to stop when he attempted to stop him, and he raised an alarm and a mob chased and arrested Owusu, who was found with the money and the other items.
