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Is It Not Time For Akuffo Addo To Distance Himself From The Danquah Institute

Tue, 30 Mar 2010 Source: Mensah, Nana Akyea

Is It Not Time For Akuffo Addo To Distance Himself From The Danquah Institute Altogether?


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is It Not Time For Akuffo Addo To Distance Himself

From The Danquah Institute


*A Rejoinder to : "Who Are These “Parliamentarian


Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., Feature Article of Tuesday, 16 March


Okoampa begins an article surreptitiously titled *"Who Are These



* *with a shocker:* *

*"I am glad that, finally, the Ivorians are beginning to assert their right

of access and enjoyment of Ghana’s purportedly new-found oil wealth... It

also didn’t quite make a lot of sense to me that an oil find that lay so

dangerously close to Ghana’s border with Côte d’Ivoire would also have been

so godlessly uncharitable as to neatly parcel itself out for the exclusive

benefit and enjoyment of Ghanaians while the war-seasoned Ivorians continued

to languish in penury." - **"Who Are These “Parliamentarian


Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., Feature Article of Tuesday, 16 March


Ghana’s Western neighbor Ivory Coast is reportedly laying claims to portions

of the huge oil wealth in the deep waters of the Western Region.

There is no panic in Ghana! See map with Dzata oil field and Jubilee field

off Cape Three Points Ghana (click to enlarge)


Is It Not Time For Akuffo Addo To Distance Himself From The Danquah

Institute Altogether?

Fellow Ghanaians, Our Ivorian brothers and sisters, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo

Addo, and other imperialist stooges at the Danquah Institute, fellow

Africans, and friends of Africa, lend me your ears! What does this really

mean? Is Okoampa trying to tell us that " Because Ghanaians did not vote the

NPP to "manage" the oil, Ghanaians have lost their right to their own

natural resource? That we can have that oil only when we vote the NPP into

power? Will they then take the oil profits for themselves stashed in their

offshore accounts? Is this the kind of democracy he thinks the NPP is

offering? Is this why "NPP is the only Ghanaian Beacon of


(See Ghanaweb archives, Feature Article of Monday, 8 March 2010, Columnist

Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame )

Kwame Okoampa Ahoofe Jr., has won the notoriety of making the most

nonsensical utterances which border on what may be called *"suicidal

stupidity"*, in " *Kwame Okoampa

Is A Charlatan!"

,* (Feature Article | Wed, 15 Oct 2008, by Ali-Masmadi JEHU-APPIAH). This is

not very new in itself. What is new is that this one stands out as a

monumental piece of idiocy churned out by this political vulture and his

squatter-owners! If I were Nana Akuffo Addo, I would quickly distance myself

from this kind of monumental nonsense, which even by Okoampa's own

standards, stands out as an eloquent anti-Ghanaian diatribe against the

sovereign will of the people, a furious and unmerited savage blow against

the respect for democratic governance and constitutional rule of a

government elected by popular mandate*.*

Okoampa continues:* *

*"What is also wickedly fascinating is the sudden fit of alarm that seems to

have gripped the hitherto light-headed Ghanaians. All of an auspicious

sudden, it is beginning to home-in to these soft-headed, happy-go-lucky and

good-natured “Niggers” that premature gloating over a pure gift of nature

may yet turn out to be too good to be true. It was also rather fitfully

amusing that some Ghanaians should already begin to be angrily chary of the

Ivorians; and, indeed, the irony of it all is that these “Angernistas” are

largely what one may aptly term as diehard “Nkrumacrats,” the fanatical

disciples of modern Ghana’s first postcolonial premier. Dear reader, by now,

it ought to be obvious to you what “Sremu Sei Nana” (The King of the

Savannah’s Grandson) is getting at. And, of course, it is the stark fact

that where “Black Gold” is concerned, pan-Africanism is only the dream of a

hopeless lunatic."*

Okoampa continues by making demeaning remarks about his fellow countrymen.

To use such language indicates comtempt for Ghanaian men and women. Why

would any Ghanaian who consider his country's vital interests so

dispensable, still present himself as a member of a "Think Tank" and expect

respect from his fellow Ghanaians? What does it mean if this man presents

Nana Akufo Addo as his favourite candidate, and Akufo Addo approves of this

association with him? Is Akuffo Addo telling us that the Danquah Institute

"think tank" is fast becoming nothing but a nest of politically virulent and

toxic ideas contempt for the Ghanaian people?

I want to appeal to all Ghanaians from across the political spectrum to

denounce this deeply insulting article. I specifically call upon Nana Addo

Danquah Akuffo Addo to consider these comments serious enough and accord the

same attention and time for condemnation as he did to the recent assault by

his body guards against the supporters of his political opponents at the

party's headquarters! This political contagion can and must be contained

immediately. Okoampa must be isolated politically. We should erect a

political *cordon* *sanitaire* *against him, *strictly and voluntarily

imposed by all proud and peace-loving Ghanaians. "The only place available

for the purveyors of doom and damnation of Ghanaians is political

quarantine. All those found to be associated with such an idiot, do so at

their own political risk and peril!

It is time for all right-thinking Ghanaians irrespective of political hue,

to distance themselves from the greed driven gamblers with our future and

our destiny as a nation. Okoampa has already pointed out that Nana Akuffo

Addo is his main man for the 2012 elections (see:


Flagbearership: My Choice for Election


, by Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.,


Feature Article, Wed, 03 Mar 2010. The question Nana Akuffo Addo needs to

answer is, is Okoampa his man? I am sure it is not too much to ask of our

potential future presidents< the simple question of how close they

themselves stand in relation to extraordinarily toxic opinions of their very

close associates, particularly one who expresses su flagrant and

self-confessing hatred for a country we call home?

I was taken aback that I forgot aboot put the author and began to wonder

about what would make a fellow human being hate his own people so much that

he imagines a scenario of war with what he calls "the war-seasoned

Ivorians"? This is a thinly-veiled wish for a war over oil between Ghana and

the Ivory Coast. I could nut my finger at the source of his anger and

hatred. Out of frustration, I turned to his main US collaborator, a

self-appointed voice of "Black Conservatives" who faithfully transmits

nonsense from Okoampa on his blog for Americans to consume, to see if he

offered any explanations to this strange behaviour. I was not disappointed.

The answer was in the introductory sentence:

"Oil Reserves Have Been Discovered Offshore In Ghana. What Next? Bookerista


* *

*The Ivory Coast is claiming a portion of Ghana's offshore oil region. The

center-right board member of the Danquah Institute (Ghana) and English

professor in USA is glad that the Ivory Coast is making a claim because it

undermines the Ghanaian center-left's claims of Pan-Africanism: "I am glad

that, finally, the Ivorians are beginning to assert their right of access

and enjoyment of Ghana's purportedly new-found oil wealth. (Source:


news site for black moderates and black


) *

Okoampa's problem with Ghana owning its own oil in peace is the presence of

pan-Africanists in Ghana! What Pan-Africanism got to do with our precious

oil? The objective of Pan-Africanism is to unite Africans and wean ourselves

away from the neocolonialist cannons of conduct and behave as a free and

independent people, consolidating our independence against imperialist

sabotage such as the one he is scheming! Which normal African today can be

angry with the noble intentions of great pan-Africanist leaders like

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to such an extent that this should cost Ghana's

precious oil find? What is wrong with the intentions of the Pan-Africanists?

Listen to Nkrumah here and judge for yourself, dear reader:* *

*“We in Africa who are pressing now for unity are deeply conscious of the

validity of our purpose. We need the strength of our combined numbers and

resources to protect ourselves from the very positive dangers of returning

to colonialism in disguised forms. We need it to combat the entrenched

forces dividing our continent and still holding back millions of our

brothers. We need it to secure total African liberation. We need it to carry

forward our construction of a socio-economic system that will support the

great mass of our steadily rising population at levels of life which will

compare with those in the most advanced countries”* - Kwame Nkrumah, "Africa

Must Unite!", 1960.

I am even sure that Okoampa himself does not expect to treat Ghanaians this

way and get away with it! He has already been dismissed before by the New

York branch of the NPP for similar outrageous declarations calling for war

in Ghana, in the lead up to the 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary

elections. He is used to being attacked for his aggressively stupid opinions

even within his own party. The attempt by the Danquah Institute to bring

Okoampa back from political ostracism begun by the New York branch of the

NPP is a disservice to the good people of Ghana.

Ladies and gentlemen, we need a clear apology from Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe,

Jr., the author of these abominations! It is time Ghanaians of all walks of

life put maximum pressure on Nana Akuffo Addo to come out once more to

condemn the work of his notorious henchman or go down with him! I call on

ordinary Ghanaians, especially the rank and file of the NPP to join me in

this condemnation and show the way Akuffo Addo to follow and condemn

Okoampa's ill-considered words!


For further information and follow-ups, I invite the interested reader to my

blog. I tweet some of my comments on

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Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro.


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Columnist: Mensah, Nana Akyea