
"Is NDC’s National Chairman “In His Right Senses…?” - Okudzeto

Wed, 18 Aug 2010 Source: Peacefmonline

The above was part of reaction by former President of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) and a leading member of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Lawyer Samuel Okudjeto. There is an infectious disease that has descended at the headquarters of the ruling Party NDC, and Ghanaians ought to be afraid, I mean, VERY VERY AFRAID. Since last week friday, August 13th, E.T Mensah, Okudzeto Ablakwa, General Nunoo Mensah and other NDC HONCHOS have uttered stupidities that seems to have come from Psychiatry patients from Ankaful. Dr Kwabena Agyei, the gerent of the NDC and an Asiedu Nketia, (General Mosquito) 'twin brother' threatened to do something about the Judiciary if the Chief Justice failed to clean her outfit of Judges who fail to convict NPP accused honchos.

It seems like Kwabena Adgei, looking famish like a Somalian hunger striken indigent is yeuking for war and ready to break our country apart with his fantod idiocy when he threatened the Chief Justice during her interaction with Richard Sky of Citifm. When the host of the program asked him how he intends to clean the judiciary, he retorted that, there are many ways to kill a cat. Folks, that is scary, I bet Kwabena Adgei having stolen many cats for his dinner really know different ways to kill a cat indeed. Is he going to bring Amedeka back to continue abducting Judges, killing them and setting their bodies ablaze?

With all jokes aside, we should take his terroristic threat seriously and if the security Agencies in Ghana are worth their salt, at least BNI should invite Kwabena 'the walking cassava stick' Adgei and put him on notice that, if what happened in 1982 during his P/NDC rule rear its ugly head again and any Judge is harmed in any way, he Kwabena the failed copier machine clerk fool will have his skinny self thrown into jail. We Ghanaians are not going to allow the NDC to continue killing Judges anymore because their rulings fail to meet their desires. The days of the NDC murdering inferno is not going to be tolerated and Ghanaians will put any idiot who harms a Judge on a stake and mete out our jungle justice as we do to armed robbers and pick pockets.

As Lawyer Sam Okudzeto said, the stupid utterances by these NDC blabbermouths can affect how the outside world perceives us.

“…it could be possible Mr. Adjei was unaware of the respect international communities give to Ghana…Such utterances by the (NDC) chairman can frighten away possible investors,…such an action (inferably) means that if you win a case against government the “government will clean the judiciary,” Mr. Okudjeto said.

“…such a reaction has the tendency to subvert the very constitution which formed the basis for our Executive, Parliament (Legislature) and Judiciary,” Lawyer Okudjeto said."

For those who didn't read the Kwabena Adgei's stupidities, below is the full statement made by this so called Dr of a chairman spastic rantings.

NDC Chairman: We'll Clean Judiciary Of Rot If Chief Justice Fails To Act Date: 17-Aug-2010

The National Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Kwabena Agyei, has explicitly warned that the executive arm of government would not hesitate to “clean” the Judiciary and damn the consequences if the Chief Justice fails to heed to calls to halt growing criticisms of politically bias levelled against her outfit.

In perhaps the clearest show of open aggression directed at one arm of government by the other, the embittered NDC National Chairman in a strongly worded statement stressed that they would be compelled to intervene and save the image of the judiciary from sinking further, if Justice Georgina Wood fails to fight the growing rot within the judiciary. Clearly unenthused at recent court rulings which have all gone against the state, Dr. Kwabena Agyei stated that some judges are fast losing credibility and called on the Chief Justice to remedy the situation. Speaking in an interview with Richard Sky of CitiFM, a private radio station based in Accra, moments after addressing a well-attended press conference to express indignation at the manner the government was losing certain high-profile cases, Dr Adjei stated “if the judiciary is bias,… not even Jesus Christ, who appointed as the Attorney General, can change things.”

"People in the judiciary can make a very good case look very bad. If the judiciary is bias, if the judiciary has made its mind in one direction, not even Jesus Christ who appointed as the Attorney General can change things. We will clean it if they don’t take steps to clean it. We will clean it and let everybody everywhere blame us for interfering in the judiciary and we will take them on,” he vowed.

Asked how the cleaning would be done, he responded “that one at the right time, you will see how we clean it. There are many ways to kill a cat," he added.

Dr. Kwabena Agyei pledged the party’s unflinching support for the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Betty Mould Iddrisu, and rather urged NDC devotees angered by the recent string of defeat suffered by the ruling party to channel their rage at the Judiciary, and not the A-G.

"Our party members are angry but we take the leadership decisions and they listen to us. We tell them that they should be patient and leave the A-G alone and they will do just that. Laymen are different from lawyers so from their perception it is because the cases are being lost, they put the blame at the Attorney General," he said.

Source: Peacefmonline