
Islam is not an extremist religion – Dr Armah Konney

Wed, 9 Sep 2015 Source: GNA

Dr Mrs Rabiatu Armah Konney, Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana, says Islam is not an extremist religion and Ghanaian Muslims are against ISIS and would do everything possible for Muslims not to join the extremists.

She said Islam has nothing in relation with terrorist groups that have sprang up over the years and the Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Ghana (FOMWAG) is strongly against them and would continue to preach against members.

She was speaking at the opening ceremony of a three-day workshop for Muslim girls organised by the Youth wing of FOMWAG, in Accra, on the theme: “Enhancing the creative abilities of the Muslim girl child for national development.”

Dr Armah Konney said the emergence of social media has had a negative impact on the youth and cautioned Muslim girls to be very cautious when using the platform.

She said most extremist groups are using social media to recruit members to their camps, reiterating that Islam frowns upon acts intended to cause harm to any individual including killings.

“The holy Quran states that if you kill an individual, it’s like you have killed a whole nation,” she stated.

She called on all Muslims to reflect on their religion which connotes peace and try to maintain good morals and character where ever they find themselves to raise the flag of Islam high and continue to preach against such terrorist groups.

Mr Salim Ango, University of Ghana said Islam is a way of life and defines every aspect of the life of a Muslim, and all must endeavour to go by its teachings in order to have a fulfilled life.

He said there are 10 rituals that could enhance the creativity of every Muslim including, isolation, physicality, life nourishment and abundance of knowledge.

Mr Ango said personal reflection of one’s daily activities, early awakening, music, living with compassion, honesty, courage, patience, humility and simplicity could help enhance ones creative ability.

He urged the youth to be mindful of the creative abilities Allah has endowed them with and try to build them gradually to the benefit of themselves and the nation as a whole

Mrs Rahima Obeng Mensah, Regional President, Young FOMWAG said the idea behind this year’s workshop is to appreciate the creative abilities that Allah has endowed every Muslim girl with.

She said skills training is a very important aspect in the lives of everyone that goes hand in hand with regular academic work, and as young girls it would prepare them better whether the numerous challenges ahead of life.

She said the workshop was the 15th in the series of workshops organised by the organisation since its formation some 17 years ago, and it had been able to train most young Muslim girls throughout the region and the country as a whole.

Mrs Obeng Mensah said Young FOMWAG was founded in 1998 and on the basis of submission to the will of Allah, obedience to His laws and commitment to the course of Allah.

The aim of Young FOMWAG is to instill the fear of Allah into young Muslim girls in strict accordance to the teachings of the holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, to educate them on their duties and rights so as to make positive impacts to the society, to encourage the young Muslim girl- child education be it circular or Islamic.

She said Young FOMWAG since its inception has held series of seminars and workshops to create awareness among young Muslim girls on the need for education and to enhance their understanding of Islam and its principles and how to apply it in their daily activities.

“These workshops have had positive impacts on young Muslim girls by molding their characters and the upliftment of their faith.

“The Muslim girl- child is the future mother and for that matter a leader. We have a stake in the future of this country and since each and every one of us has one ability or the other, it is to let us appreciate the creative abilities that Allah has endowed us with.”

Source: GNA