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Israel King of Jews Church celebrates Pass Over

Sat, 3 Apr 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, April 3, GNA-Nakoa Nazareth Ansah Jamson, General Overseer of the Israel King of Jews Church has called on politicians to promote peace to ensure national unity and development.

He said as the nation matures in the present democratic dispensation, there was the need for politicians to ensure that "the peace we are enjoying was sustained at all times.

Nakoa Jamson made the call at the celebration of this year's Feast of the Pass Over in Accra on Friday. He urged the electorate to reject any politician whose actions or inaction may derail the development of the nation. Nakoa Jamson, who is also the Head of Prophets of Spiritual Churches Council, also urged Ghanaians to use the Easter celebration to rededicate themselves and serve the Lord with all their heart to enable them win more souls for Christ.

As part of the celebration, the Church donated food items worth 2,200 Ghana cedis and 3,600 Ghana cedis cash to the Country-Side Orphanage at Bawjiase in the Central Region.

The items included 15 bags of rice, five gallons of cooking oil, two boxes of detergents, assorted biscuits and loaves of bread. Mrs. Emma Boafo Yeboah, Mother of the Home who received the items on behalf of the inmates, thanked the church for their donation and asked other bodies and institutions to come to the aid of the orphanage.

Source: GNA