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It's frightening to have a COP think this way - Kwesi Pratt reacts to leaked audio on IGP

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Wed, 12 Jul 2023 Source:

The Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr, has reacted to the leaked tape that allegedly features conversations among some high-ranking police officials on the removal from office of the Inspect General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare.

Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana on July 12, 2023, the celebrated journalist expressed concerns about the implication of the audio on the country.

Kwesi Pratt indicated that he could identify some of the voices in the tape after listening to it multiple times, asserting that the voices on the tape are that of individuals who are well known in public space.

“After listening to the tape about three times, I felt convinced that I could identify some of the voices in the tape and some of the people who spoke on tape are people that we all know. I would like to say that we need to authenticate this tape just to take out the doubt,” he said.

He expressed concern about the fact that 'senior' police officers are endorsing electoral rigging and linking it to political affiliation in appointments to high-ranking positions such as Inspector General of Police (IGP).

The renowned journalist said the Council of State should take an interest in the development and address it.

“The main point is that you have a commissioner of police who can think the way that the person on the tape is thinking and still be in the service is frightening. It means you can actually have police officers who believed that elections should be rigged and that have police officers who believe that the appointment to the high office of Inspector General ought to be dictated by political affiliation. The council of state should be worried about this development.,” he said.

According to him, the subject of the leaked tape goes beyond the IGP.

“This is way beyond Mr Dampare and if I were to advise, I would tell him not to make any pronunciation, not take any action but wait for his superior authority. This is terrible, horrible,” he said.

The Managing Editor, Kwesi Pratt further expressed shock and disbelief at the audacity of pronouncement from one of the persons on the tape who posed as a Commissioner of Police.

“We have heard horrible statements before but this one is really frightening. One of the persons who is supposed to be a commissioner of police actually said that as for him, he gives the impression that he is actually the most qualified person to become IGP. But since that, if he doesn’t get it, it doesn't matter. His main interest is to make sure that an NPP loyalist takes that position so that they can break the eight, that is the statement,” he emphasized.

Kwesi Pratt further expressed shock that the yet-to-be-identified persons in the leaked take are still at post and going about their duties without being called out or interdicted.

“Senior police officer, what kind of country is this, and he is still at post, he has not been interdicted?

“I mean it’s frightening; this man is still at post. Today, he can order policemen to go and do anything” he added.


GhanaWeb intercepted a series of secret recordings exposing details of a plot by some top officials of the ruling New Patriotic Party and the Ghana Police Service to displace the current Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare from office ahead of the 2024 polls.

Apparently threatened by his leadership style and alleged affiliation with the opposition National Democratic Congress, the group who were recorded in a secret meeting concluded that the NPP’s “Breaking the 8” agenda will be impossible with Dampare at the helm of the police.

“Alhaji, my only problem… this current IGP if we do a mistake and take him to the elections, it will not help us. It will not help us at all and I will not mind if the position is not given to me but that man is changed; because he will not help us, he will not help us at all… he won’t help the party at all.

“I know there are others who are also good for this position, if I don’t get and this man is changed and those people that we think they are our men get I (it is ok)t… Because we need to break this 8. That is important, we need to break the 8… Because I wouldn’t want doctor to become the flagbearer and then we lose the elections… ” one of the senior officers told the senior NPP members who is believed to be a former regional chairman of the party and now a traditional ruler.

The senior police officer who seemed interested in the IGP position but would not mind losing as far as a pro-NPP IGP is installed, went on to admit that elections sometimes require machinations to win.

“This IGP is not correct, he won’t help us. Alhaji you have done politics, you know elections is not… sometimes elections mafia work is inside,” he stated to which the party guru concurred saying “not just sometimes, mafia work is inside. As for elections mafia work is involved.”

Citing the recent by-election in Assin North, the senior officer complained bitterly about Dr Dampare’s security arrangement noting how it went against the NPP.

He alleged that Dr Dampare is an NDC person who was given promotions during NDC governments and served as aide-de-camp to late President John Evans Atta Mills.

“Alhaji whatever we need to do to get somebody else to supervise these elections (2024) we need to do. Because as we speak, this IGP is not fine with the military, he is fighting with the army. You find out, if any army officer is your friend, you call him and ask him that how do you see this IGP. He has been arresting military cars; commanders’ cars,” he said.

He further revealed that Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who is a flagbearer hopeful of the NPP was not in favour of Dr Dampare becoming the IGP and that the two have a frosty relationship.

"If you find out yourself, he is not in good terms with Dr Bawumia… find out if you are close to Dr Bawumia because he knows that Dr Bawumia did not recommend him as IGP… Dr Bawumia knows that if we take him to elections we’ll have difficulties,” he stated.

The senior party member expressed concern about how the matter has not been brought to the attention of leading members of the party and the government but was informed by the senior officer that such attempts have proved futile.

He further revealed that Dr Dampare enjoys the support of some close relatives of the president including his executive secretary Nana Asante Bediatuo and Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko.

The party official who was surprised by the information noted that having a fovourable security service has a major role to play in winning the elections stating that “without them we can’t do anything.”

GhanaWeb’s sources in the security sector reveal that the tape secret recordings which include videos some of which border on grave national security issues have been brought to the attention of the powers that be.

“There are even video recordings but due to national security issues they are being withheld,” the source disclosed.

Other portions of the recording include plans by the cabal to push their agenda through various fronts including spiritual means.

The former NPP party chairman at a point received a call which he informed his guests was from the president.


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