
It's taking too long to set up Special Prosecutor; optimism is eroding - Prof Gyimah-Boadi

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Sun, 26 Aug 2018 Source:

Former Executive Director of Center for Democratic Development (CDD) has highlighted his disappointment at the failure of the Akufo-Addo government to fully set up the Office of the Special Prosecutor almost two years after assuming office.

Professor Gyimah-Boadi recounted that before the nomination and appointment of Martin Amidu as Special Prosecutor, hopes of the realisation of the promise dwindled as there were no signs of any such action.

His hopes were rekindled after President Akufo-Addo initiated processes to establish the Office to fight corruption but that rekindled hope, Professor Gyimah-Boadi observed, is gradually eroding as it has taken too long to fully establish the Office.

In the run-up to the 2016 general elections, the former CDD Executive Director noted then opposition leader Akufo-Addo emphasised his commitment to setting up the office indicating it was his main arsenal at drastically cutting down the canker from our national fabric.

"I will tell you I am still hopeful but some of that optimism that was generated by that appointment has been eroded over time. Because it is taking too much time for that Office to be set up, it's taking too long for the office to get really operational and its only last month that the board was inaugurated. It's just taking too long and given that it became the mantra whenever you asked a questioned what are you doing about this/ Special prosecutor, what is being done about this BOST scandal? Special Prosecutor," he remarked.

The current Executive Director of Afrobarometer insists despite the delays, he is confident in the competence of Martin Amidu to do a good job even though they do not have a personal relationship.

Professor Gyimah-Boadi reaffirmed his belief in Akufo-Addo's commitment to making the office fully operational buttressing his point with the president's decision to appoint someone whose credibility to prosecute without fear or favour has been widely touted.

"His track record is what gave us the confidence and also the president had the courage to select somebody who based on his record you know that he is not going to spare the president's people and the president's party," he explained.
