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JJ Ready For "Chemical Interrogation Test"

Thu, 5 Jun 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, June 4, GNA - Former President Jerry John Rawlings on Wednesday said he was prepared to go through any "chemical interrogation test" on the account of the several allegations levelled against him at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC).

"I challenge President Kufuor to take me through a chemical test on the account of the allegations that I have something to do the murder of the judges and the vicious lies that have been peddled against me at the commission."

Rawlings also challenged President Kufuor, Mr Kwaku Baako Junior, Editor of Crusading Guide, and other retired military officers, especially ex-Corporal Matthew Adabuga, who recently accused him of ordering the murder of the judges, to also be bold and subject themselves for the test.

The Ex-President was speaking at a public lecture to commemorate the 34th anniversary of the June 4, 1979 uprising that led to the overthrow of the Supreme Military Council led by general Frederick Akuffo.

The lecture was under the theme: "Consolidation of a Political Tradition: Values and Virtues of the June Four Uprising."

Former President Rawlings said: "The Americans have a Lie Detector Test device which is more efficient and capable of detecting every lie that is invented; so President Kufuor should invite those American experts to be used on me.

"The vicious lies going on in the public arena must wake all of us up; they can put me live on television show and question me; nothing in camera, but I also demand that some of the members of the NRC should also be subjected to the lie detector test."

On the past serial killings of women, Former President Rawlings said he could mention about 15 people of the present Kufuor administration who "masterminded the cold blooded killings of the 34 Ghanaian women."

"President Kufuor is a Christian like me. His wife is also a Christian,; if he can't write to the American experts, I could do it, but let us do it while the NPP is in office and that is t he challenge," he said.

Ex-President Rawlings said most people who have appeared at the commission sittings after having sworn an oath with the Bible, the Koran or affirmation later ended up telling lies in their testimonies without regard to the truth. He said a government must fight for the truth and not lead the way to corrupting the truth. "Truth is missing in Ghana's on-going Truth and Reconciliation Commission".

On the June Four Uprising, ex-President Rawlings said the country was going through trying times, but a time would come when the celebration would be a permanent feature in the country.

It was quite unfortunate that between a quarter and two-thirds of Ghanaians either have no direct memory of have any memory at all about the June Four Uprising, he said.

"The June Four Uprising was not planned, nobody planned it; it just broke out."

"If only President Liman had understood the significance of the June Four, this nation would have been saved a great deal, but his government failed. June Four must be remembered not just as an event but also a redefining moment of truth for this country which taught us the simple truth of positive defiance."

The Former President accused the present government of many wrong doings such as their inability to prevent the mayhem in Dagbon that led to the beheading of Ya Na, and mismanagement of the economy that has led to economic hardships.

He said the NPP administration had trampled upon the rights of dedicated and loyal citizens of the country with their deceit and well packaged lies.

Mr Rawlings dismissed as lies the allegation by Squadron Leader Tagoe, who recently appeared at the NRC, that he was once a drunkard and an irresponsible man during his days in the Ghana Air Force. "When people who are close to you come into the public and say something personal or private about you, it makes you fell very bad and unpopular.

"Squadron Leader Tagoe came to say so many lies about me, that I'm a drunkard. Some people believed it, but let me tell you all that he came to say was a lie. I never drank beer but only coca cola because at that time I did not drink alcohol.

"This most of my colleagues would attest to and because of that I have always been given the permission to escort most colleagues home. Besides, eight hours before flight in the force, you don't have to drink any alcohol and I have always been on the alert and ready to fly any aircraft at any time."

On the allegation that he neglected his wife when she was pregnant, Rawlings said that was a lie because he was with her all the time. He even disregarded an invitation to report at the Air Force Base when his wife was about to deliver.

Ex-President Rawlings said he stayed with the wife between 0430 hours and 0500 hours at the 37 Military Hospital when she was in labour. He said it was true that he had the reputation of going to credit "yo ke gari" (beans and gari), but that was because they were not being offered good food at that time.

Rawlings said on one occasion he had to steal "rich food" meant for senior officers for his colleagues because at that time they needed to eat well for upcoming military games. "I lived for my men; that's why when I was to be shot, my men decided to sacrifice their lives for me," he said.

Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, NDC's Flag bearer, said it was time Ghanaians admitted the existence of problems in the country, which justified the celebration of the June 4. He said unless Ghanaians were prepared to accept the truth, which had been distorted over the years, the country would have to suffer the more. "History is a window to the future and truth does not change overtime, not when personalities change, it is for all the time. Let us never turn our back on the truth, if we do that posterity will judge us."

Accra, June 4, GNA - Former President Jerry John Rawlings on Wednesday said he was prepared to go through any "chemical interrogation test" on the account of the several allegations levelled against him at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC).

"I challenge President Kufuor to take me through a chemical test on the account of the allegations that I have something to do the murder of the judges and the vicious lies that have been peddled against me at the commission."

Rawlings also challenged President Kufuor, Mr Kwaku Baako Junior, Editor of Crusading Guide, and other retired military officers, especially ex-Corporal Matthew Adabuga, who recently accused him of ordering the murder of the judges, to also be bold and subject themselves for the test.

The Ex-President was speaking at a public lecture to commemorate the 34th anniversary of the June 4, 1979 uprising that led to the overthrow of the Supreme Military Council led by general Frederick Akuffo.

The lecture was under the theme: "Consolidation of a Political Tradition: Values and Virtues of the June Four Uprising."

Former President Rawlings said: "The Americans have a Lie Detector Test device which is more efficient and capable of detecting every lie that is invented; so President Kufuor should invite those American experts to be used on me.

"The vicious lies going on in the public arena must wake all of us up; they can put me live on television show and question me; nothing in camera, but I also demand that some of the members of the NRC should also be subjected to the lie detector test."

On the past serial killings of women, Former President Rawlings said he could mention about 15 people of the present Kufuor administration who "masterminded the cold blooded killings of the 34 Ghanaian women."

"President Kufuor is a Christian like me. His wife is also a Christian,; if he can't write to the American experts, I could do it, but let us do it while the NPP is in office and that is t he challenge," he said.

Ex-President Rawlings said most people who have appeared at the commission sittings after having sworn an oath with the Bible, the Koran or affirmation later ended up telling lies in their testimonies without regard to the truth. He said a government must fight for the truth and not lead the way to corrupting the truth. "Truth is missing in Ghana's on-going Truth and Reconciliation Commission".

On the June Four Uprising, ex-President Rawlings said the country was going through trying times, but a time would come when the celebration would be a permanent feature in the country.

It was quite unfortunate that between a quarter and two-thirds of Ghanaians either have no direct memory of have any memory at all about the June Four Uprising, he said.

"The June Four Uprising was not planned, nobody planned it; it just broke out."

"If only President Liman had understood the significance of the June Four, this nation would have been saved a great deal, but his government failed. June Four must be remembered not just as an event but also a redefining moment of truth for this country which taught us the simple truth of positive defiance."

The Former President accused the present government of many wrong doings such as their inability to prevent the mayhem in Dagbon that led to the beheading of Ya Na, and mismanagement of the economy that has led to economic hardships.

He said the NPP administration had trampled upon the rights of dedicated and loyal citizens of the country with their deceit and well packaged lies.

Mr Rawlings dismissed as lies the allegation by Squadron Leader Tagoe, who recently appeared at the NRC, that he was once a drunkard and an irresponsible man during his days in the Ghana Air Force. "When people who are close to you come into the public and say something personal or private about you, it makes you fell very bad and unpopular.

"Squadron Leader Tagoe came to say so many lies about me, that I'm a drunkard. Some people believed it, but let me tell you all that he came to say was a lie. I never drank beer but only coca cola because at that time I did not drink alcohol.

"This most of my colleagues would attest to and because of that I have always been given the permission to escort most colleagues home. Besides, eight hours before flight in the force, you don't have to drink any alcohol and I have always been on the alert and ready to fly any aircraft at any time."

On the allegation that he neglected his wife when she was pregnant, Rawlings said that was a lie because he was with her all the time. He even disregarded an invitation to report at the Air Force Base when his wife was about to deliver.

Ex-President Rawlings said he stayed with the wife between 0430 hours and 0500 hours at the 37 Military Hospital when she was in labour. He said it was true that he had the reputation of going to credit "yo ke gari" (beans and gari), but that was because they were not being offered good food at that time.

Rawlings said on one occasion he had to steal "rich food" meant for senior officers for his colleagues because at that time they needed to eat well for upcoming military games. "I lived for my men; that's why when I was to be shot, my men decided to sacrifice their lives for me," he said.

Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, NDC's Flag bearer, said it was time Ghanaians admitted the existence of problems in the country, which justified the celebration of the June 4. He said unless Ghanaians were prepared to accept the truth, which had been distorted over the years, the country would have to suffer the more. "History is a window to the future and truth does not change overtime, not when personalities change, it is for all the time. Let us never turn our back on the truth, if we do that posterity will judge us."

Source: GNA