
Joyce Aryee, Christie Doh Tetteh to speak at UCC Conference

Joyce Aryee Retires Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee, Salt and Light Ministries

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 Source: Ebenezer Duncan Eghan

The Executive Director of the Salt and Light Ministries, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee and the General Overseer of the Solid Rock Chapel, Rev. Dr. Christie Doh Tetteh will be speaking at a Maiden Women On Fire Conference at UCC.

The two highly sought after influential women in Ghana will be speaking to challenge women to have a reconnection with their creator and sense of relevance in society.

Dr Joyce Aryee,the former Director of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce will be addressing the participants on issues that confront the modern woman in their marriage, work and profession; and how to overcome them; where as Rev. Doh Tetteh,known as the mother of Charismatism in Ghana speaks on the woman reconnecting her love for her creator through commitment and service.

The two-day non-denominational Program is put up by the Women on Fire Team, the Ladies Ministry of the Ahava Revival Outreach, a non-denominational Ministry on campus to draw all women from different denominations, and tribe, to fellowship together.

According to the organizers, participants will acquire wisdom, experience revival through the Word of God, music, prayer, learn and interact with the personalities through the mentoring session.

Aside the two keynotes by the speakers, other speakers such as Ms Victoria Brakohiapa from Tigo Ghana and anointed gospel Artiste Cynthia McCauley are all on board.

The Coordinators of the Conference, Ms Diana Nyanney and Ms Linda Maya Yeboah have therefore assure participants of their readiness to be hosted." We are ever-ready to spark up light in the modern women to be shifted to the front line."

The Women on Fire Conference is slated for the Friday and Saturday, 29th and 30th of September would be held at the University JHS Hall at 6:30pm each night with a Leaders and Singles Meeting on Saturday, 8am.

Source: Ebenezer Duncan Eghan