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Judge handling Amoaten's case is pro-Government.

Wed, 3 May 2006 Source: --

Judge David Tragger ,a U.S. federal judge and the judge handling Eric Amoateng's case in the Eastern district court of New York is known to support the US government's stand in the judiciary and that is bad news for the battling Nkoranza North MP. The judges ruling in the case can make or break the case for Eric.

In a recent judgement in the kidnapped case involving Maher Arar, who was abducted in Germany and sent to Afghanistan and tortured by the US government , the judge simply refused to hear the case against the government of the United States.Most law analysts think Maher Arar?s case has been dismissed without even considering the merits of his case, as the judge says, ?Bascially , if you?re ever wronged by our politicians or intelligence people or government, you are on your own, good luck.?

In a ruling Thursday in New York, Judge David Trager said he can?t interfere in the case because it involves crucial national security and foreign relations issues in the anti-terror fight. ?The need for much secrecy can hardly be doubted,? Trager wrote in his 88-page ruling.

The secrecy involved by the secret recordings in the Amoateng's case is the paramount evudence in the allegations against the Ghanaian MP and his lawyers awyers will be happy to have the recordings thrown off.

Source: --