
'Judges in Ghana work under inhumane conditions'

Thu, 19 Jun 2014 Source: xyz

The Ghana Bar Association (GBA) says judges in Ghana work under inhumane conditions.

The association says after its tour of the various regions to assess the conditions under which judges discharge their duties at the High Court and District Court, it was evident that the standards are low.

In a statement issued and jointly signed by National President and Secretary of the GBA Nene Amegatcher and Justin Amenuvor respectively, the GBA said “There were damaged doors, windows, ceiling, tiles, leaking roofs, broken sewage¬ cisterns. The houses were in a state of disrepair which does not befit the residence of members of judicial arm of government. In other places, reptiles crept into the judicial bungalows because of the overgrown environment”

The GBA blamed government’s failure to release funds for the upkeep of the judges.

Source: xyz