Simon Osei-Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister
The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, KMA has laid the blame for the increasing pressure mounted on it by the Asokwa Municipal Assembly for the management of the Oti Landfill Site at Atonsu Kuwait on the Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah. gathered that until the elevation of Asokwa into a municipality, the landfill site was managed by the KMA.
In recent times, the Asokwa Municipal Assembly has been upin arms with the KMA over the management of the facility and demanded that itbe handed over to it since the area is now autonomous.
At a demonstration on Monday, some residents near the Otilandfill site in the Asokwa Municipality (ASKMA) in Kumasi, blocked theentrance to the landfill site arguing that they want the Kumasi MetropolitanAssembly (KMA) to speed up the process of transferring its management of thesite to the Asokwa Municipal Assembly.
Speaking with KT on Angel FM monitored by,the Presiding Member of the KMA and Assembly Member of the Nhyiaeso ElectoralArea, Hon. Abraham Boadi chided the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensahfor taking a stance in the matter without recourse to diplomacy.
He said the behavior of the regional minister hasprejudiced the conclusion on the matter and argued that, the KMA is in the bestposition to be managing the landfill site because there is a huge debt to becleared.
He expressed shock that “a whole regional minister wouldbehave this way”.
But the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah said heis unfazed by the allegations but stated that ” my stance remains that themanagement of the facility be handed over to Asokwa; I’m in charge of all the43 MMDAs in the Ashanti region and as long as I remain the Regional Minister, Ican take decisions and request for anything from the KMA at any time”.
He warned the KMA boss, Osei Assibey Antwi to be wary of the posturing the assembly has taken in this matter, because “he is creating a problem for himself; so if he is not behind what the Presiding Member is doing, he must come and dissociate himself from it immediately because he is creating trouble for him”.
He said he would write to summon him before the AshantiRegional Coordinating Council this “very afternoon” and dared him“not to report if he is a man”.