The assembly member for Asokwa Electoral Area, Oscar Riches popularly known as Ghana Beyeyie has been suspended from the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) for slapping the Deputy KMA Coordinating Director.
The decision to suspend the assemblyman was arrived at during an emergency meeting of the assembly held today December 28, 2017.
According to, he has been banned from the Assembly for the next 360 days after voting by both elected and assembly members on the period of suspension to be handed to him.
Thirty-Seven (37) voted for him to be handed 3 months suspension, four(4) for six months, Fifty-three (53) for a year and seven (7) dissenting
It was also recommended that, the Deputy Coordinating Director, Abdul Karim Adams who received the slaps be suspended for two weeks for uttering unpleasant remarks against Ghana Beyeyie and to a very large extent the assembly members as a whole.
But he however showed remorse and rendered an unqualified apology leading to him being pardoned.
He has therefore been asked to officially write an apology letter to that effect.