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KNUST VC advises youth against early sex

Sat, 27 Dec 2003 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Dec. 27, GNA - Professor Kwesi Andam, Vice Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), has reiterated the call on the youth to avoid early sex, since such immoral acts exposed them to diseases that could hinder their successful marriage.

Professor Andam gave the advice on Friday when he cut the sod for the construction work to begin on a facility known as the "Young and Wise Centre", being executed by the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) at the KNUST campus in Kumasi.

The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is financing the estimated 17,000 US dollar project under the religious bodies programme of the PPAG.

The centre, to be completed within six months, would provide counselling services and information to young people with a view to empowering them to make the right choices about their sexual lives and reproductive health.

"As young people, do not listen to lies and mischievous characters and engage in early sex but strive to live pure lives in order not to jeopardise your future," he stressed.

Mrs Christine Acquah, Youth Manager of the PPAG, Middle Zone, said it was not true that acquiring knowledge and information about sexual and reproductive health would make young people promiscuous.

She noted that on the contrary, it was when young people were imbued with information about sexual and reproductive health that they would be well placed to protect themselves against any immoral acts. Dr (Mrs) Owusu Daaku, President of the PPAG, said the centre had been located at the KNUST because the university vicinity was a focal point of young people who were most vulnerable to immoral conduct.

She said the centre when completed would not only serve the university community alone but also cater for the needs of all other surrounding communities including Ayeduase, Ayigya, Kotei and Bomso.

Source: GNA