
KNUST to introduce Communication Studies

Tue, 30 Mar 2010 Source: GNA

Kumasi March 30, GNA - The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) is to introduce graduate and postgraduate programmes i= n Communication Studies.

Dr. Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, a lecturer at the Department of Publishing Studies, who made the announcement, said that the Department was waiting for the go-ahead from the KNUST Academic Board, to implement the decision. He was speaking at the maiden anniversary celebration of the Association of English Students of the KNUST, on the theme "Communication= as an Important Tool in Nation Building - the Role of the English Language Student," in Kumasi.

Dr. Opoku-Amankwa said that there was the need for the university to=

train communication experts to help strengthen the country's democratization, promote good governance and competently manage conflicts= .. He explained that well-trained communication experts could assist in=

designing and implementing communication strategies to address poverty, HIV/AIDS and under-development and to enable Africans understand their culture and to actively participate in global affairs. Professor Williams Otto Ellis, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the KNUST, cal= led on graduates to properly apply their knowledge and skills towards the transformation of society.

He said something should be done about the poor use of the English Language on some FM radio stations. Prof. Otto-Ellis encouraged graduates, especially those of the Engli= sh Language, to join the teaching profession.

Source: GNA