
Kabila Knocks Down Young Lady

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 Source: Daily Post

By Daily Post Reporters

Serial drunkard, Kwabena Bomfeh, a.k.a. Kabila, alias Striker is in the news again!

Investigations conducted by the Daily Post have revealed that the loud-mouth

politician who has become famous for his drinking habit on Saturday, May 8, 2010,

knocked down a young lady while driving.

The accident occurred at Bubuashie, a suburb of Accra at 9:00am. The victim, Nana

Yaa Nkansah, was rushed unconscious to the Cocoa Clinic at Kaneshie where she was on

admission for five days.

According to intelligence gathered by this paper, Kabila, who reported himself to

the Kaneshie Police was behaving in a manner that made them suspect that he was

drunk. A test was therefore conducted on him with Alcohol Sensor III which recorded

0.09%. This meant that the alcohol in his system had not gone beyond what is

permissible for drivers.

Kabila was admitted to a police enquiry bail that same day. Daily Post’s

investigation into this matter has taken a while because for some strange reasons,

some of the policemen who were connected to the case would not open up to reporters

of the paper and in some cases, showed open hostility to them.

A couple of officials at the Cocoa Clinic where the victim was admitted for five

days also strangely refused to assist the Daily Post in its investigations.

Another strange aspect of the case is that though it is a criminal case and

therefore cannot be settled at home, the victim and her family on August 31, 2010

submitted a letter to the Kaneshie Police withdrawing the case from the police

station for it to be settled at home.

Ironically, Kabila, who should otherwise be sitting tight, happy to have slipped

through the arms of the law, recently rather called on the police to arrest NDC

Chairman Kwabena Adjei for making certain comments about the judiciary he and his

AFAG group find distasteful. The same Kabila was at the forefront of the call on the

IGP to resign.

Sometime in 2006, National Security Operatives under President Kufuor tampered with

the brake pedal of the vehicle of Mr. Opare Djan, then the Circulation Manager of

the National Democrat (now Daily Post). As a result, while driving the vehicle

afterwards, the brake failed to work ending in his crushing the vehicle into a huge

billboard leading to the death of the colleague sitting by him.

Mr. Opare Djan was denied the luxury of the bail Kabila enjoyed; instead, though

badly injured, he was locked up in a police cells till the next morning. That was

some of the ‘luxury’ pro-NDC journalist enjoyed under President Kufuor and his NPP


Source: Daily Post