
Kofi Jumah absent, Nana Abu-Bonsra holds fort

Thu, 1 Nov 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, Nov. 01, GNA-The intervention of Nana Abu-Bonsra, MP for Fomena on Thursday a prevented a possible abortion of asking of a parliamentary question that stood in the name of Mr Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Deputy Minister of Local Government.

Mr Jumah, who is also the MP for Asokwa, was not found in the Chamber of Parliament during question time when it got to his turn to ask the question which was advertised in the Order Paper.

The Order Paper is a booklet that outlines the programme of activities scheduled for Parliament on a particular sitting day. Nana Abu-Bonsra stood up from his seat and caught the eye of the Speaker, Mr Ebenezer Begyina Sekyi Hughes, to announce his intention to ask the question on behalf of his colleague.

The Speaker said he was not convinced with the explanation that the Deputy Minister had gone to the Ministry, but however allowed Nana Abu-Bonsra to ask the question on behalf of Mr Jumah.

" I'm not convinced, but go on," the Speaker said.

Mr Jumah wanted to know from the Minister of Energy, why electricity supply to Atonsu-Agogo, Atonsu-Bokoro, Chirapatre and Gyinase, all communities in the Asokwa Constituency was interrupted whenever it rained and what the Ministry was doing to resolve the problem.

In reply, Mr Joseph Kofi Adda, Minister of Energy said the communities, had their source of supply from the ECG/ VRA station at Kaase, but the station was susceptible to earth faults due to the long High Tension (HT) line to Bekwai.

When the faults occur, they result in a system disturbance, which affects power supply to the communities in question. The Minister said the Electricity Company of Ghana had planned to install by March 2008, the equipment need to minimize the effects of the earth faults to improve upon the reliability of power supply from the station to the communities.

Source: GNA