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"Kofi Wayo is Joke" - PPP Youth

Tue, 24 Apr 2012 Source: --

The national youth leader of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has lashed out at Kofi Wayo describing him as a ‘political joker.’*

Mr Divine Nkrumah’s criticism follows what he describes as Mr Wayo’s ‘untruths and unpalatable’ comments about Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom who is the 2012 presidential candidate of the PPP.

The *Herald* newspaper in Accra last Monday carried a front page story which captured Mr Wayo saying that Dr Nduom has enslaved many Ghanaians whom he pays well below the minimum wage bill.

Reacting to the said story, Mr Nkrumah explained that it is not true that Dr Nduom has enslaved many of his workers and was paying them below the minimum wage.

“…Through Dr Nduom’s efforts many Ghanaians are able today to provide for their families. Dr Nduom has also empowered many Ghanaians by providing them meaningful jobs,” Mr. Nkrumah asserted.

The PPP national youth leader cautioned Mr Wayo against tarnishing the hard-won reputation of Dr Nduom.

He hinted that Kofi Wayo boasted of having millions of dollars when he first came to Ghana, it however later turned out that he was ‘fake and a con man,’ who only exploited his millionaire girlfriend and succeeded in bringing her Rolls Royce vehicle to Ghana.

Further, Mr Nkrumah challenged Mr Wayo to tell Ghanaians how many jobs he has been able to provide for his community.

“Since Kofi Wayo claims to be a millionaire, what has he done for his community, let alone to create jobs as Dr. Nduom has done?”

The livid youth leader revealed that Kofi Wayo currently lives on the benevolence of his friends in NDC and other good Samaritans and so, should be grateful to people like Dr. Nduom who has tried to curb what would have been unrest as a result of the massive unemployment in the country.

“Kofi Wayo will do himself a lot of good if he finds himself a decent place of abode rather than living on credit from one hotel to another,” Mr Nkrumah averred.**

To this end, he advised Kofi Wayo to ‘shut up’ if he has nothing to say and rather direct his frustrations at the ‘non-performing’ Mills administration.

Mr Nkrumah went on to say that Kofi Wayo is a politician who must not be taken serious in the country.

signed: Divine Nkrumah PPP National Youth Cordinator

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