
Konadu missed her prophetic visitation to become powerful - Apostle Amoako Atta

Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings 04Oct2010 Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings,

Mon, 26 Sep 2016 Source:

Founder and leader of Freedom Chapel International Church, Apostle Amoako Atta, has disclosed that Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, has done a great deal of disservice to Ghana by allowing her ambition to override the vision which God gave and prepared her for.

Apostle Amoako Atta, who was speaking to this journalist in an exclusive interview, revealed the major prophetic shifts that the world is to experience as prelude to the end-time, saying, God in his infinite wisdom had given Ghana to the Rawlings’ family as an inheritance where he was preparing Nana Konadu, to take over the leadership of Ghana after the reigns of Jerry John Rawlings, who has been the longest serving President of Ghana.

According to him, Nana Konadu would have been the most powerful leader in Africa had she not allowed people who he described as the serpent to lure her into putting much faith in her ambition which later destroyed her, her vision, her family and making her miss God’s visitation upon her life.

He said, Ghana is suffering because of this singular act by Nana Konadu who failed to wait upon God, seek His direction and allowing God’s wish to take the better part of her life.

He explained that the world is to experience a gender shift where prophetically, women will dominate the ruling class of the world with Ghana not an exception.

“Ghana’s gender shift lies on the shoulders of Konadu. But she missed this great opportunity the very day she decided to leave the NDC and to form another party. You see, God gives vision; He does not give ambition that is why He does His things according to time. Prophetically, God gave Konadu a vision which she clearly saw but she failed to wait for God’s own appointed time for the vision to be fulfilled so she jumped the gun and she missed,” the Apostle said.

The Apostle also quoted Genesis 1 verse 26 and mentioned that during creation, God created man and woman and charged them to take dominion over the earth, placing the man as the leader whose time of governance ends in 6000 years.

“In Genesis 11, there begun a whole new world order bringing forth the era of the Gender Shift and a time will come when all major points in the world will be headed by a woman,” he said.

He said Ghana, though is not seen as a major point for the fulfillment of this Gender Shift, Prophetically it is the gateway to the world and everything that happens in the major points like the US, UN, Britain among others have direct impact on Ghana and that a woman leading Ghana as President is an ordained revelation which cannot be changed.

According to Apostle Francis Amoako Atta, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings’ presence at the Beijing Conference on September 5, 1995 was a clear indication that God is preparing her for greatness.

Apostle Francis Amoako Atta also averred that although Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings has missed her visitation, God is preparing another woman to take over and that at God’s own time; He will lift that person up and put her on a higher pedestal.

In view of this, he said, political parties must begin to look for a woman who can lead the party in fulfilling God’s purpose for Ghana.

“However, it must not just be any woman, but a woman of substance who God Himself has prepared to govern Ghana,” he advised.

“For the Rawlings’ family to continue to be relevant in Ghana and across the world as it was before, then Konadu must go back to NDC. NDC is her home, NDC is her place of calling and the better she realize this, the better for her, her family and for Ghana,” he said.

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