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Krofrom brutality: I've nothing to fear over report – Pathologist

Faceless Doctor File photo

Tue, 31 May 2016 Source:

The medical officer who conducted a post-mortem examination on Richard Osei, the 22-year-old Krofuom resident allegedly beaten to death by police on the night of Thursday May 26, 2016, has stated that he has no fear of any evil befalling him following the autopsy report he issued concerning the circumstances of the young man’s death.

Dr. Paul Osei Sampene, in his autopsy report, stated that Osei, also known as Kwadwo Tawiah, died of heart failure, a conclusion that effectively exonerates police officers said to have assaulted him leading to his demise at the Manhyia Hospital.

The police officers had, during night patrol duties at Asawase and Krofuom, identified the victim as one of a member of a gang that terrorised residents of the area, during which they reportedly beat him up. The deceased’s sister had also told reporters that his brother’s manhood was repeatedly tasered until he passed out.

But in an interview on Accra100.5FM Tuesday May 31, Dr Sampene would not be drawn into revealing the details of his report, saying accepting to do so would be a breach of doctor-patient exchanges which are privileged, and a violation of the code of conduct of the Ghana Medical and Dental Council and of the laws of the country, in addition to staining his integrity as a doctor.

He rejected assertions that the report was a cover-up to shield the police officers involved from prosecution. Though he empathised with the family and friends for the grief presented by the loss of a loved one, he advised them to quit talk that there had been some underhand dealing in the compilation of the report, especially as relatives of the deceased were present during the examination.

Asked what he felt regarding threats by the bereaved family to consult an oracle to visit curses on him, Dr Sampene said: “This is not my first time on the job…What have I to fear? It is when you lie that you entertain harm, so I don’t fear.”
