
Kufuor calls for religious tolerance in Nigeria

07.05.07 Kufuor

Thu, 21 Feb 2013 Source: GNA

Former president John Agyekum Kufuor has called for religious tolerance among people and respect of fundamental human rights to achieve peaceful co-existence.

The former president said this when he visited Nigeria as a guest speaker at the first presidential summit on 'innovative water funding, organised by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, on finding new ways to finance the provision of water. He also said adherence of people to the laws of their countries will make for harmony and progress.

The summit was prompted in the wake of inadequate government resources to fund the provision of potable water and the need for private sector involvement in the provision and management of water.

Speaking on water provision in Africa, former president Kufuor said the provision of potable water has become challenging to governments in the developing world because they have inadequate resources to meet all the pressing needs of their people.

He said: “Private participation in the delivery of water, however, should take into account the essential nature of water to mankind and must be done in such a way that the social good is not lost for profit”.

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor returned home on Wednesday from Abuj, Nigeria.

Source: GNA