
Kumasi Brothel closed down

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Fri, 8 Jul 2016 Source:

The revenue collection department of the Ghana Tourism Authority has closed down a brothel at Momo at Boadi Junction, a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region.

The facility also houses a restaurant and a drinking spot.

Young girls in teens are reportedly seen in the day and in the evenings soliciting for clients who include pupils of some basic schools within the Kumasi Metropolis.

The department during its operations of chasing defaulters in the region caught some school children in uniform engaging in hot sexual bouts in one of the rooms at the facility.

‘Its true we happen to see school children doing unworthy things here, we have to closed it down because ultimately their operations are not in conformity with regulations and therefore needed to be closed down, we are here to close it down, we have been told the manager is not around here, we asked the caretaker to pass the information on to the manager, we saw couple of the students here and some were also trooping in,’ he explained.

Abraham Tetteh an administrator of the Tourism Development fund who confirmed the operation to, promised that they will clamp down on illegal hospitality facilities in the region.
