
Kwahuman Europe Holds Conference In Hamburg

Mon, 6 Jun 2011 Source: Kwabena Asante

Kwahuman Europe, the unified voice of Kwahu Citizens in Europe, over the week-end held it’s semestral conference in the Port City of Hamburg-Germany. The three day conference,from 3rd -5th June 2011 was attended by delegates from all the Seven countries that constitute this august body, namely Belgium, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, The Netherlands and the host country, Germany.

Speaking on the theme for the conference,”Uniting to develop the Kwahu Traditional Area” the President of the Union Dr Abena Agyepong Keller of Switzerland did not mince her words by throwing the challenge to all Kwahu Citizens resident across the continent and in the United Kingdom,to embrace the idea uniting all Kwahu Citizens as one people with a common goal of helping to develop their Traditional Area and Ghana as a whole. She said, the concept of Kwahuman Europe was geared towards solidifying the European Chapter with the ultimate aim of fully collaborating in future with the North America and Canada chapter of Kwahuman.By this collaboration,the two strong Unions can together undertake projects that are ownership oriented.This she said was the dream of the over five hundred registered members of the Union. She ended her speech by calling on all the leaders of the National Associations to intensify their efforts in the propagation of the Unions concept.

The conference itself which was successfully hosted by Kwahuman Germany saw the participation of over thirty delegates arriving on Friday to pave the way for the main conference to commence the next day 4th June 2011.Delegates were very resolute on discussions of the day but agreeing on each topic discussed. The conference passed a lot of resolutions. Amongst them the need to purchase a piece of land in the Kwahu Traditional Area, on which the union could initiate it’s long term ownership oriented projects.However, short term projects of instituting scholarship schemes to children who are less privileged but intelligent was also briefly brought up by the delegation from France.This was to be strongly considered at the next conference.

Another resolution that was passed was a mandate given to Kwahuman Italy to organize the next bi-annual Easter festivities and fund raising events either in Milan or Brescia.Such festivities, the conference considered was a way of raising funds for identified Projects and also marketing the Union to the outside world.To crown the efforts of the delegates after the marathon meeting,Kwahuman Germany invited all the delegates to a short dinner dance where they interacted with folks in Germany in a spirit of oneness,unity and brotherhood. The next conference is scheduled to come off in Amsterdam in December at a date that will be communicated later.

“OBUOR” - “OBUORBA” Writer: Kwabena Asante

Source: Kwabena Asante