
Kwaku Baako Is Now A Muslim

Wed, 28 May 2008 Source: Ghanaian Observer

The next time you bump into ace journalist, Kwaku Baako Jnr, you might as well say a’ salaam malaikum in typical Muslim faction with your right hand touching your heart after shaking hands with him. Kwaku baako, born into the Catholic faith some 50 plus years ago has taken the most definite step yet in his life by going through the Islamic rite of passage and thereby converting to the Islamic faith in the process.

By this he has assumed the new name as Malik Kwaku Baako with immediate effect.The Ghanaian Observer newspaper links in Accra’s sizeable Muslim community hinted us some weeks ago that Kwaku Baako had appeared before an Imam in one of Accra mosques and informed him of his decision to subscribe to the Islamic faith. The Imam after checking to ensure that the decision was of Baako’s own free will, took him through Kalimat Shahada, a key recital for those who subscribe to the Islamic faith, after which Baako was taken through the paces of Wudu and Jenaba (ablution)as every devout Muslim does.

It was after this that Baako assumed the new name Malik Kwaku Baako. An unimpeachable source and a leading Islamic cleric told the Ghanaian Observer that Malik Kwaku Baako is likely to participate in this year’s Hajj to entitle him to use the title Alhaji. The whole exercise of Baako’s conversion to Islamic was executed in utmost secrecy such that many do not have the faintest idea of the steps of their hero, friend, associate and colleague has taken.

Our sources say Baako has already begun attending the usual Muslim prayers in a particular mosque in Accra (name withhrld for now), whilst his conversion has become a top secret in Islamic circles whether Baako’s conversion is true. Close aids and associates of Malik Baako who have not been in the know about this development, when reached for their comments expressed surprised upon being told, especially regarding the fact that none of them was told.

Peace FM’s Kwame Sefa-Kayi, one of the close pals of Malik Baako upon being told of his friend’s conversion said “I am surprised but not surprised. Kwaku is an adult and a very calculated person. He certainly thought through this and besides it is all towards the worship of one God”. Another close pal of Malik Baako, Egbert Faibille Jnr, had this to say “The diabolic man has really come full circle. I do not know what went into this, though I can guess. When I spoke to him about it, he himself was surprised that I had laid hands on such info and wondered where I got if from” “I respect my friend’s choice and wish him well. Knowing him, he has the qualities to live the Islamic faith. He is peaceful and has conviction of principles. I wish him well”, Faibille added.

Source: Ghanaian Observer