
Kwaku Baako Supports CJA Independence Procession

Mon, 19 Feb 2007 Source: Lens

“If They Would Lay Wreaths In Honour Of Nkrumah, I Will Join Them”

It may sound strange, but since life is full of strange happenings, Samuel Kwaku Baako Jnr, leader of the almost-defunct coffee shop mafia, has pledged his full support for the CJA’s intended anniversary procession that is schedule to take place on the 6th of March.

Pledging his support for the Independence Day procession, Kwaku Baako said that he was of the view that what the CJA was intending to do was in order and in good taste hence his support for the procession which would find him marching alongside his one-time ally comrade Kwesi Prat and other progressives.

Speaking on Joy FM’s Newsfile Programme last Saturday morning, Kwaku Baako said that the idea to march from the Kwame Nkrumah Circle, through the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, to the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum where wreaths would be laid, is a very laudable one and that the CJA could count on his unflinching support as he would be physically present to be with them.

“If they would lay wreaths in honour of Nkrumah, I will join them”, were the words of Kwaku Baako when he was throwing his full weight behind the agenda of the CJA.

It is not known what may be feeding into Kwaku Baako’s thinking to, for the first time since he has been yoked with the NPP, declare open support for something that his political masters would rather did not take place.

Indeed, it is not a secret that the NPP, in following from where their forebears the Progress Party left off, are doing everything possible to totally annihilate the memory of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the man who fought for our independence and only God knows where Kwaku Baako is getting the strength to move against those who are believed to have made him financially sound.

The CJA organized Jubilee Procession is being thwarted by ACP “Charge” Asiedu Akrofi, but the organizers have assured the public that come what may, the procession would take place.

Source: Lens