
Kweku Baako: Where Are Kufuor’s Balls?

Thu, 30 Sep 2010 Source: The Catalyst

Kweku Baako, NPP's propaganda chief and editor-in-chief of the New Crusading Guide, is at it again. He says former President Rawlings has no balls. Well, even though that assertion is weird and laughable, that is Mr Baako's opinion and we respect it. However, per the Dagomba adage which states that, 'when you bring maggot-infested firewood home, don't blame the lizard for an unannounced visit,' we also have our opinion as to whose 'underside' is to be looked at critically to see if he has 'balls' or not. Simply put, Kweku Baako has invited the eager eyes of The Catalyst to look at the 'underside' of his mentor and close ally, former President Kufuor to see if he has any balls at all, as compared to former President Rawlings.

Of course, Kweku Baako will say anything in defending Mr Kufuor. And that was exactly his preoccupation last week Thursday on Peace FM when he, habitually run wild after former President Rawlings, following statements made by the former in Burkina Faso days earlier which the ‘documents man’ found to be unpalatable. Former President Rawlings accused former President Kufuor and his erstwhile government of paying a certain journalist a whooping sum of $10,000 a month for him to do propaganda for the then government. This was corroborated by a media report which claimed that Kweku Baako was given $24,000 by the Kufuor-led NPP government to investigate the non-existent foreign accounts of former President Rawlings whilst the NPP was in power.

Kweku Baako thus decided to attempt ‘striping former President Rawlings naked’- a vow he has failed to fulfil over the years. Unfortunately for him, in his futile attempt, the ‘documents man’ ended up drawing attention to his mentor, former President Kufuor, as the one who has no 'balls'.

Kweku Baako must show us Kufuor’s balls when up till now, the former president has displayed cowardice in avoiding to come face to face with his accuser of corruption, Gizelle Yazji, who dares him to disprove her claim that he has stashed away in foreign accounts in Switzerland and England, what she describes as dirty money, which he looted from the suffering people of Ghana.

Kweku Baako must show us Mr Kufuor’s balls when he has failed to do the honourable thing by accepting his own blood, the twin boy children his former mistress, Gizelle Yazji says she had with him 7 years ago when he, Kufuor was 66 years old. When Mr Kufuor recently denied having twin boys with Gizelle Yazji even though he could not deny having an affair with her, the woman fired back daring him to open his mouth in that direction again and she would show him where power lies. Let Mr Kufuor face this woman to prove to us he has the balls Kweku Baako claims Rawlings does not have.

Kweku Baako must show us Mr Kufuor’s balls when he tried to impugn corruption to President Mills recently and claimed corruption was the order of the day in the Mills government. If Mr Kufuor has the balls Kweku Baako claims Rawlings does not have, he should tell Mr Kufuor to show us those balls by pointing to one corrupt act involved in by President Mills. Is it not laughable that the pot is calling the kettle black?

Kweku Baako does not need to look far in looking for persons without balls. It is interesting that he fails to look first at the underside of his mentor, Mr Kufuor who is in close proximity to him to realise that he has no balls. Instead, he is straining his eyes, which are obviously deceiving him, in trying to look at former President Rawlings and thus cannot be sure of what he sees. Following Madam Gizelle Yazji's reiteration of her corruption allegation against former President Kufuor, The Catalyst in a front page comment in its Vol. 2 No. 108 Issue No. 108, Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd August 2010, captioned, “We Dare You Mr Kufuor!,” challenged former President Kufuor to take steps to clear his name the way former President Rawlings has courageously done. But we are yet to see any sign from him to that effect.

We reproduce the full text of our comment below, please read on:

When NPP's propaganda chief, Mr Abdul Malik Kweku Baako Jnr, on behalf of his paymasters went on a wild goose chase looking for non-existent foreign bank accounts of former President Rawlings and his wife, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, and subsequently published a fake bank account number purported to belong to the Rawlingses to that effect in his Crusading Guide newspaper, former President Rawlings did not only deny ownership of the said account. He did much more than that in an unprecedented fashion, exposing the calumny of Kweku Baako and his bunch of hang Rawlings at all cost crusaders.

Former President Rawlings went on CNN and BBC and dared the world's topmost investigative bodies including America's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate him and if it was found out that he had one dollar in any foreign account, the world should be told to shame him.

Again, when the Scancem bribery allegation was made against former President Rawlings by a Norwegian newspaper, he took the fight to Norway where he took on the newspaper on various forums, at the very top governmental level and in the media among others.

Gizelle Yazji makes damming allegations against Mr. Kufuor that she has details of accounts in Switzerland and England owned by him in which he has stashed away, what she described as, dirty money acquired by Mr. Kufuor at the expense of suffering Ghanaians whilst in office. We dare Mr. Kufuor to emulate the shining example of his predecessor, former President Rawlings and call for a similar investigation to be conducted by bodies like FBI to establish the veracity or otherwise of Gizelle's allegation against him. There have been too many allegations of corruption made against Mr Kufuor since his days in office and it is time he came clean by being courageous enough, as former President Rawlings has been, to dare his accusers like Gizelle for proof if he has nothing to hide.

In a recent outburst, Mr Kufuor claimed President Mills and his government were corrupt. In keeping with a principle he postulated whilst in office, calling on persons who made allegations of corruption against him and his government officials to “SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE,” we had expected Mr. Kufuor to show the evidence of corruption he alleged prevails in the Mills government but he failed to do so.

Gizelle Yazji, apart from insisting Mr. Kufour fathered her twin sons 7 years ago, also made serious allegations of corruption covering a wide range of issues against him, including his alleged foreign accounts in Switzerland and England where he is supposed to be keeping millions of dollars that are supposed to be part of his loot from office.

It is important for our present and former leaders to go the external mile, like Rawlings has done, in proving their innocence in the face of damning allegations of, especially, corruption made against them.

It is not enough for Mr. Kufour to hide behind the legal principle of “he who alleges must prove” to keep his loot, if any.

That is why The Catalyst holds the strong view that Mr. Kufour better go the way of former President Rawlings by challenging the world's best investigators to check him out, or at least subject Gezelle Yazji to strict proof.

Former President Rawlings won the admiration of the world as an incorruptible African leader by his courageous decision to take on the world in a bid to prove his critics wrong on unfounded allegations of corruption. He stunned the world by remaining incorruptible after ruling an African country for 19 years. He has proven his critics wrong by keeping his head above the corruption waters, something Mr Kufuor is yet to prove, after being in that office for 8 years. Mr. Kufour now has the ball in his court. He must prove wrong his ‘chief ‘accuser, Madam Gizelle Yazji, his former advisor and mistress who claims she has twin sons with him. Mr. Kufour we are waiting!

Source: The Catalyst