
Kwesi Pratt Blamed

Wed, 2 Mar 2005 Source: Lens

He Is The Cause Of Our Woes

On his "Point Blank" programme yesterday, Thursday, February 17, 2005, Mr. Kwesi Pratt Jnr., was blamed by a caller for contributing to the woes of Ghanaians with the role he played in anti-government demonstrations when the NDC was in power.

The caller argued that incessant criticisms of the then government by persons like Mr. Pratt, Kofi Wayo and a few others, coupled with anti-government demonstrations organised and led by them, created the impression in the minds of most Ghanaians of the NDC as an evil government that did not have the interest of the Ghanaian people at heart.

The caller?s disappointment appeared to be that, apart from Mr. Pratt, the stridently critical voices that were condemning the smallest infraction in the days of the NDC have all of a sudden gone quiet in the face of even the most grievous infractions. Nothing seen and nothing heard have become the surprising stance of all these individuals and groups.

It would be recalled that Mr. Kwesi Pratt, a freedom fighter to the core, did not hide his dislike for certain policies of the NDC- policies that he and others widely condemned as anti ?peoples policies forced upon the government and people by the World Bank and the IMF. Though Kwesi Pratt has remained faithful to these same ideals he espoused in the past, for reasons that are still difficult to pin down, Kwesi over the last few years seems to have developed some cold feet when it comes to moving beyond the verbal criticism into the arena of organizing anti-government demonstrations.

In direct relation to the saga of the "Bonking Minister", with regards to the revelation that Dr. Richard Anane has sent over a hundred thousand dollars to his mistress in the United States, the caller prayed Mr. Pratt to lead Ghanaians to hit the streets to demonstrate their utter indignation at the indifference being shown by the Kufuor administration at the compelling evidence that the former editor of the Ghanaian Chronicle, Mr. Raymond Archer, has thus far made public.

He expressed disgust that pro-government elements have rather resorted to trying to use spineless journalists to try and tarnish the image of Mr. Archer.

Speaking to The Lens, Mr. Pratt said "I don?t have anything against any citizen who wants to demonstrate for their rights. When the issues are clear and we find ourselves in support of them, we as dutiful citizens will play our part,"

There is a growing agitation for a mass demonstration against the insentivity of the Kufuor administration in the face of mounting hardships being faced by the Ghanaian people.

Indeed only a couple of days ago, the leader of the Great Consolidated People?s Party, Mr. Dan Lartey, also called for massive demonstrations, especially in the face of the deregulation of petroleum prices and its concomitant hardship that it will impose on the already suffering Ghanaian.

Will fighters like Kwesi Pratt, Kofi Wayo and others heed the urgent call of the suffering masses?

Source: Lens