

Thu, 25 May 1995 Source: --

The sixth ordinary congress of the Organisation of Africa Trade Unity (OATUU) began at the Accra international Conference in Accra on Monday

Under the theme `Employment, Trade Union Rughts and Stabilty', the congress has brought together representatives from 53 African countries and friendly regional and international organisations

In a speech read on his behalf by C. K. Dewornu, member of the council of State, the President, Flt-Lt Jerry John Rawlings said organised labout was recognised as a partner in progress. There workers demands that undermined the stability of society should be guarded against.

The President reminded the congress that any action which undermined investor comforter, turned to undermine employment generation in African countries, saying their partnership and non-confrontation were the best approaches to solving social problems.

Flt-Lt Rawlings stressed the need for Africans to share and exchange ideas and learn from each other's experience to arrest the problem of unemployment abd underemployment.

Mr Bill Brett, chairman of the Workers Group of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), said Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP) had become part of the problem of unemployment on the continent of Africa.

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