
LIVESTREAMING: EPA breaks silence following Atomic Gas explosion

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Tue, 10 Oct 2017 Source:

The Environmental Protection Agency is engaging the press on issues relating to permit acquisition for fuel and gas stations at a press conference.

Following Saturday's tragic incidence at the Atomic Junction which saw seven persons dead and several others with various degrees of injury.

Many have blamed the EPA, NPA and other regulatory bodies for exhibiting negligence in the dispensation of their duties.

The EPA is responsible for among other things;

Advising the appropriate ministries on the formulation of policies on the environment and in particular, making recommendations for the protection of the environment;

Co-ordinating the activities of bodies concerned with the technical or practical aspects of the environment and serving as a channel of communication between those bodies and the Ministry of Environment, science and technology;

Co-ordinating the activities of the relevant bodies for the purposes of controlling the generation, treatment, storage, transportation and disposal of industrial waste;

Securing by itself or in collaboration with any other person or body the control and prevention of discharge of waste into the environment and the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment

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