
LIVESTREAMING: Newsfile on Joynews

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Sat, 1 Jun 2019 Source:

Join Samson Lardy Anyenini and his abled panellists as they delve into issues that made headlines this week on current affairs show, ‘Newsfile’.

Up for discussion today are matters related to the renewed Chereponi clashes.

The security situation in conflict-ravaged Chereponi and Saboba remains fluid days after security authorities called on feuding factions to cease fire.

Defence Minister, Dominic Nitiwul, has urged the factions to lay down their arms but sporadic fighting continues, claiming lives and displacing hundreds of women and children.

To forestall further clashes, a heavy team of police and military personnel have been deployed to the township. The security forces are expected to clamp down on armed groups that attack residents of rival towns.

An attempt by the Power Distribution Company (PDS) to recover GH¢84 million debt owed the company in Krobo land in the Eastern Region turned bloody on Wednesday 22nd May with the killing of a young boy.

About 35 suspects were arrested in bloody riot.

According to the Power Distribution Service (PDS) it used its systems to reduce the debt from ¢195,725,500.29 down to ¢84, 625,624.87.

A consumer advocacy group has threatened to sue the Power Distribution Company (PDS) over attempts by the distributor to retrieve the over 84 million cedis accumulated electricity bills from the people of Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region.

The panellists will also discuss matters related to the banking sector.

Watch a livestream of the program here
