
‘Lack of long term planning, bane of national dev't'

Dr. Nii Moi Thompson Dr Nii Moi Thompson

Sun, 18 Oct 2015 Source: The Finder

Dr Nii Moi Thompson, Director-General of the National Development Planning Commission has indicated that the lack of a long-term National Development Plan was inhibiting proper and adequate development in the country.

He said for years now national development has been geared towards the fulfillment of election promises and mainly contained in political parties’ manifestoes rather than geared towards an all-inclusive programme of ensuring social an economic progress.

Dr Thompson was speaking at a public lecture organised by the Centre for Social Democracy in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung at the University of Professional Studies on Tuesday.

He said lack of planning was also hindering work at the various sectors and ministries, according to him the link between ministries and development was week, “Ministers are not allow to settle in to work. By the time they get settled to work at one ministry they are reshuffled and taken to another ministry so the work never gets done.”

He said it was time for Ghana to be bold and brave to do what other developed countries have done.

Mr Kwesi Pratt Jnr, Editor of The Insight newspaper said having a 40-year development plan was not the answer to solving Ghana’s developmental issue but whether the plan addresses the needs and aspirations of the people of Ghana.

He said it was important for people to raise questions about the proposed 40-year plan since people were suggesting that there should be a law barking it so that people would not derail from it.

He said a development plan must be linked to the realization of the aspirations of the people like portable water, access to education, and other social amenities, adding that “A development plan also needs to have a strategy for implementation to have maximum effect.”

For his part, Mr Prosper Hoetu, the Convener of CSD-Ghana said “CSD-Ghana supports the development and implementation of a long-term National Development Plan partly because we believe that if the Sovereignty of Ghana resides in the people of Ghana then the development of a long-term national plan puts the power in the hands of citizens to shape their future and set priorities for leadership.”

He said they are of the firm believe that the proposed plan, if the properly managed during implementation would save the country the uncertainty of policy frameworks and also avoid the abuse of discretionary powers exercised by political parties when in government.

Source: The Finder