
Late MP Houseboy Arrested

Thu, 8 Jul 2010 Source: Daily Guide

BARELY THREE days after the death of Kwasi Annoh Ankamah, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Atiwa in the Eastern region, was reported, his house-boy is alleged to have stolen a vehicle of the deceased from his Dawhenya residence. The MP died in his sleep at his London residence.

The accused person, whose name DAILY GUIDE learnt is Sadique Mohammed, was reported to have stolen the vehicle, a Toyota Tundra, from the departed MP’s house at Dawhenya where the house-boy had being staying until the death of his ‘master’ who was expected back in the country on July 5, 2010.

A deep-throat source narrated to DAILY GUIDE that the MP, after being introduced to Sadique about a year ago by a friend called ‘Biggie’, asked him to move into his residence where Sadique worked as a house-boy to the deceased and his family in Dawhenya.

According to the source, Sadique, who had lived in the house of the MP alone after the deceased’s departure to London to seek medical treatment, allegedly managed to get a car battery and drove the vehicle to an unknown destination and later called some relations of the MP to tell them that the vehicle was stolen from the yard and therefore could not locate it.

Not satisfied with the explanation given by the house-boy, coupled with an advice from the deceased person’s wife based in London, the relatives of the MP went to his residence where, after checks, they realized that the main entrance to the house was intact.

Since the fence was not tampered with, Sadique was suspected of knowing something about the alleged stolen vehicle.

According to a female cousin of the MP, Sadique had earlier called her to say that the locks of the house needed to be changed; and that he had lost his mobile phone to some armed robbers shortly after the MP’s death was announced, a situation which compelled the MP’s cousin to give him money for new locks and a new phone to make communication easier.

He was said to have called the lady a day after his initial complaints and informed her of the theft of the Toyota Tundra from the MP’s premises but he could not tell how the vehicle was stolen.

The lady, who was not convinced about the story narrated by Sadique, quickly travelled to Dawhenya from her Accra base to ascertain the truth about the vehicle. When she got there, she realized that nothing in the house showed the vehicle was stolen from where it was parked.

She also told DAILY GUIDE that after carefully surveying the MP’s residence, she could not but report Sadique to the Police in Dawhenya where he was arrested on Sunday, July 4, 2010 for stealing the vehicle which was parked without a battery and its ignition keys nowhere to be found.

The police was reported to have found three different mobile phones including the very phone he had earlier reported missing, with about five different SIM cards found in his room at the time of his arrest.

When DAILY GUIDE contacted the Prampram District Police, they confirmed Sadique’s arrest and added that he had been sent to a law court to have him charged for theft and remanded so as to allow enough time for them to investigate the alleged theft of the Toyota Tundra belonging to the departed Atiwa MP.

Hon. Kwasi Annoh Ankamah was reported dead during the early hours of July 1, 2010 at his London residence where he was receiving treatment for a protracted illness, after his departure from the country somewhere in October last year.

Mr. Ankamah, 53, was a native of Abomosu in the Atiwa District in the Eastern region and left behind a wife, four children and an aged mother.

Source: Daily Guide