
Latin American Nations Endorse Annan

Thu, 29 Mar 2001 Source: AP

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Latin American and Caribbean countries in the United Nations endorsed Kofi Annan for a second term as U.N. secretary-general Thursday, adding to the global support for his re-election.

Annan already had the backing of the 53-nation Africa Group and the five Nordic nations. On Monday, the 50-nation Asian Group virtually ruled out fielding a challenger, all but clearing the way for his election to another five-year term.

The 22-nation Latin America and Caribbean Group at the United Nations met Thursday and issued a statement praising Annan's ``brilliant performance'' as U.N. chief.

By tradition, the secretary-general's job rotates every 10 years by region, and it is now Asia's turn to propose a candidate. But Africa's decade was disrupted when the United States Annan's predecessor, Egypt's Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Annan, 62, who is from Ghana, has won high marks for his leadership and reform efforts at the United Nations. He announced his candidacy last week and immediately won a key endorsement from President Bush.

Annan's term expires Dec. 31, and the General Assembly is expected to vote on a successor this fall.

Source: AP