
Launch of "The Students' Manifesto" in Accra

Wed, 4 Aug 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 4, GNA - 93The Students' Manifesto", a practical tale of political mandates of students and young people has been launched in Accra.

Mr Enersto Yeboah, former student activist of the University of Ghana, authored the book, the first documented account of what really transpired between 2003 and 2006 when students' related violence and unrest captured headlines across the nation.

The book deals with pressing issues of students and neglect of government in tertiary education; lack of facilities and decline in public investment, low standards and politics on campus and deepening authoritarian power in tertiary institutions through the use of power instead of negotiations.

Dr Yao Graham, Executive Director of Third World Network (TWN) and lawyer, who reviewed the book, said it was a chronicle of major events witnessed by the author on University of Ghana campus.

He noted that the book raised issues that were of importance currently, and the importance of students' activism and its contribution to the rise and fall of leaders in the past.

Dr Graham said party politics, religion and ethnicity had affected students' activism in Ghana.

Nana Kwabena Nketia, Paramount Chief of Essikado Traditional Area, and a Senior Lecturer at the History Department of University of Cape Coast, described the author as someone passionate about Ghana.

He said it was important for past leaders to write their experience during their time in office.

Mr Yeboah said some incidents on campus which he witnessed inspired him to write the book.

He said it was a call to action after some reflections; about confidence to confront the vices in society and promote attitudinal change in society.

Source: GNA