
Leadership now rewards wrong

George Kuntu Blankson

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 Source: The Herald

Ex-Board Chairman of the recently dissolved Ghana Airport Company (GAC), has described as unfortunate the gradual phenomena in the country, where leadership rewards wrong doings whiles those who seek to correct wrongs are punished.

“In this country, when you speak the truth, you are branded as bad, but the one that does the wrong thing is rather protected. If someone is doing something wrong and you speak against it, that person will be shielded and you will become the target. We leave everything to God”, he lamented.

Though the ex- Member of Parliament (MP) for the Mfantsiman East, now Ekumfi Constituency, did not elaborate explicitly what he meant by rewarding wrongs and punishing rights, it is referenced that he may have insinuated that because of the silent fracas between him and President John Mahama, concerning his sacking of the Managing Director (MD) of GAC, Mrs. Doreen Owusu Fiankoh.

Mr. George Kuntu Blankson, who together with other board members, were booted out last week by President John Mahama, until his dismissal, was in the news that he had sacked Mrs. Fiankoh, however, the MD in radio interviews, insisted she had not been sacked and that she was going about her normal duties as MD.

Last Tuesday, President Mahama re-constituted the GAC board with seasoned Lawyer Tony Lithur as the new Chairman, days after acting in their capacity as “care taker board”, the board sacked the MD.

The ex-MP expressed the sentiment when he was reacting to accusation in media reports that he was behind the recent agitation by drivers at Otuam, hometown of late President John Mills, for failing to complete the Otuam road on time.

On Tuesday, drivers of Ghana Private Road and Transport Union (GPRTU) from Essuehyia and Ekumfi Otuam on Monday, mounted road blocks in protest against the deteriorating condition of the Ekumfi roads, which had been under construction for the past three years.

The drivers accused the contractor, Hammond Larbi, of undue delays on the said road for no apparent reason.

However, the police upon hearing of the road block, visited the scene to avoid any confusion which later turned into a misunderstanding between the police and the drivers which ended in a severe brutality.

The former Deputy Majority Chief Whip, since his removal from government first by losing the National Democratic Congress (NDC) primary and recently his position as board chairman, has been knocking the heads of the people against the sitting MP, Abeiku Crenstil, and government, to make it look unpopular.

Though in his interview on OKAY FM last Tuesday with Kwame Nkrumah ‘Tikesi’, he denied the entire allegation leveled against him, but the contractor, Mr Larbi insisted he was the one inciting the drivers against him, adding that he was doing that because of his hatred for the sitting MP who incidentally is a friend to him the contractor.

He said, he is not bothered about the insinuation that he has no job and so he is finding it difficult to make ends meet, saying he has a God, who will not watch him being disgraced, adding “I will continue to speak the truth until my Maker calls”.

Source: The Herald