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Lecturer lauds Akufo-Addo’s move to digitize land administration

Akufo Addo Min Swearing President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 Source:

Land Use lecturer at the University of Cape Coast Ing. Dr. Ebenezer Gyamera has lauded President Nana Akufo-Addo’s determination to digitize Ghana’s land administration process.

Delivering his State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Tuesday, March 9, President Akufo-Addo said “land administration continues to be bedevilled with intractable challenges,” adding that the government will this year roll out a plan to digitize land records.

Speaking on Onua FM’s midday news on Wednesday, March 10, on the President’s promise, Dr. Ebenezer Gyamera welcomed the move, indicating that digitizing land records will do away with the numerous issues the Lands Commission faces.

“It’s a good news. [President Akufo-Addo] said exactly what we have been asking for,” he noted.

“This will enable us as a country to move forward. Land Commission’s documents are often bulky and, at times, we are told that some of these documents have been burnt.”

He was certain the land digitization process will enable people who would have lost their right to claim their lands – in the case of being told their hardcopy documents have been burnt – to still have such.

Dr. Ebenezer Gyamera added: “When the land administration process is finally digitized in Ghana, it will do away with improper documentation among others.”
