
Let's debate private participation in water supply -BANGO

Fri, 5 Oct 2001 Source: .

Brong Ahafo Network of Non-Governmental Organisations (BANGO) called on the government to subject the proposed private sector participation in water supply to a thorough public debate for a general consensus on the issue.

At a meeting in Sunyani in reaction to the government's intentions, BANGO urged it to honour its promise of transparency in governance. "It is incumbent on the government to apply the ingredients of transparency now in the administration of the country, which can best be done through a national public debate to put to rest the hue and cry over water privatisation."

The meeting said, "water as a sensitive and strategic resource, is a basic necessity for the survival of the people, hence its privatisation will make life more unbearable for most ordinary Ghanaians".

It expressed disgust at attempts to allow expatriates to take charge of the distribution of the basic need of humanity, saying that such a move would be strategically detrimental to the state.

The meeting cautioned the government not to repeat the quality grain saga, which has ended up in a huge financial loss to the state, instead of an efficient and abundant rice production. Expatriates only seek for their interests, not those of host countries, the members emphasised.

The meeting identified effective communication between government and the people as an essential factor for good governance and the growth of democracy. It, therefore, urged media practitioners and organisations to continue to educate people on sensitive and important national issues like the water privatisation for better understanding.

In a related development BANGO has condemned the uncharitable words used by the Water Sector Restructuring Secretariat against Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC).

It said such actions did not help to build a cohesive nation but rather undermined democracy and peaceful co-existence. "Basically, NGOs aim at complementing government's efforts to ensure socio-economic and political well being of the people and ISODEC, like others, wants to see that the rights of the people are not trampled upon or taken away from them", it said. BANGO advised the government to be tolerant to opposing views.

Source: .