
Let us prioritize agricultural research - Ahwoi

Thu, 27 Oct 2011 Source: GNA

' Fumesua, (Ash), Oct. 27, GNA - Mr Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister of Food and Agriculture, on Wednesday called for prioritisation of agricultural research, especially in food crops, to help the country to achieve maximum benefits.

' Fumesua, (Ash), Oct. 27, GNA - Mr Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister of Food and Agriculture, on Wednesday called for prioritisation of agricultural research, especially in food crops, to help the country to achieve maximum benefits. He said: To harness agricultural research for enhanced and accelerated national development, it is important to intensify research activities in a focused, consistent and adequately funded manner." Mr Ahwoi, who was speaking at the maiden open day and exhibition of the Crop Research Institute (CRI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSRI) at Fumesua, near Kumasi, said there was the need for Ghana to concentrate research on a few selected priority food crops as was being done in the case of cocoa. He said a key challenge for the country's agriculture was how to fund research in a' 26/Oct/2011

Source: GNA