
Let us sacrifice for a stable nation - Rev. Boafo

Sun, 22 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Oct. 22, GNA -- Very Reverend Samuel Adjei Boafo, Superintendent Minister of Ahinsan Circuit of Methodist Church of Ghana on Sunday asked Ghanaians to sacrifice for a stable nation. He said people scrambled for positions in society with certain motives but noted that anyone yearning for a leadership position should be prepared to serve rather than lord it over others.

Very Rev. Boafo made the call when delivering the sermon on the theme 93Christ the Suffering Servant,=94 at the inauguration and induction of the Executive Committee of Gyinyase Bethel Methodist Men's Fellowship in Kumasi.

He therefore, asked the leadership of the Fellowship to serve the members in humility and not expected to be served. =93We should all strive to lead upright lives for God has a purpose for everyone,=94 he added.

Mr Ken Seibu, National Executive Member of Association of Methodist Men's Fellowship said the Fellowship had become the pillar for the growth and expansion of Methodism in the country.

He said the Fellowship had played a major role in evangelism as well as the development and propagation of the mission and vision of the church.

Mr Seibu called for discipline, cooperation, steadfastness and unity of purpose among the members adding, 93Without that you cannot succeed.'

He noted that greater responsibility had been placed on the shoulders of the leaders of the Fellowship and could succeed in their endeavours when they relied on Jesus Christ adding 93With Jesus Christ in the vessel you can smile at the storm.

Mr E.W.H Abaidoo, National Secretary of the Fellowship advised the members to be guided by its principles and urged them to take active part in church activities.

He said they should devote their time, energy and resources to uplift the Fellowship and the development of the church. Mr Asare Yeboah, Kumasi Diocesan Chairman of the Fellowship, said the Gyinyase branch was the 64th within the diocese and more would be inaugurated before the end of the year.

Seven million cedis was realised during appeal for funds.

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Source: GNA