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Linguist who cursed Mahama’s ‘enemies’ arrested

Prison   Handcuffs File photo: Suspect in police grips

Sat, 27 Jun 2015 Source: Daily Guide

Nana Kwame Poku, a linguist of Tepahene, Nana Adusei Atwenewaa Ampem I, has been cited for traditional contempt after he publicly invoked curses on people who were opposed to President Mahama’s second-term bid.

The linguist, who has consequently been arrested by the elders of Tepa, is expected to appear before the Tepa Paramount Traditional Council, which is presided over by the Tepa Paramount chief to explain his action.

Tepa Paramount chief, Nana Antwenewaa Ampem I, who made the disclosure, described the linguist’s utterance as very unfortunate and alien to Asante tradition and culture, hence his arrest for contempt.

“The linguist would appear before the Tepa Traditional Council with his Abusuapanin for his remarks at the durbar. He would be punished when found guilty.”

Nana Kwame Pok caused a stir whilst pouring libation at a durbar to welcome President Mahama, who was on a working visit to Tepa.

He invoked curses on people who do want the National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration to win the 2016 general elections.

The linguist, whose statements were captured on tape, said former Presidents Rawlings and Kufuor served two terms as leaders of Ghana and wondered why President Mahama should also not be retained in office.

The Tepahene’s linguist angrily invoked the spirit of wind to flush out anybody that would strongly resist President Mahama’s ambition of winning a second term, sparking wild shouts from the crowd.

Nana Atwenewaa Ampem stated categorically that if the linguist’s statement is proven to be a curse by the traditional council, which is forbidden in Asanteman, the necessary punitive measures would be taken against him.

The Tepahene, who was speaking on Peace FM, clearly distanced himself from what he described the unfortunate remarks of Nana Kwame Poku, noting that the linguist is solely responsible for that behaviour.

Nana Atwenewaa Ampem I also explained that Nana Kwame Poku is not the chief linguist of the Tepahene as being speculated by the media, noting that the chief linguist of the stool was not present at the durbar due to illness.

The Tepahene candidly stated that wind is not used to curse people in Asanteman.

He claimed Nana Kwame Poku was overly excited while standing before prominent people like President Mahama at the august function.

Only Nana Kwame Poku knows what compelled him to make that utterance at the function; he would not be spared if found guilty, Nana Atwenewaa Ampem I said.

The Tepahene entreated Ghanaians, especially those who were offended by the statement of the linguist, to exercise restraint, noting that the traditional council would properly investigate the matter and take the necessary action for peace to prevail.

Source: Daily Guide