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Local publishers say their products meet specifications

Mon, 30 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct. 30, GNA - The Ghana Book Publishers Association (GBPA), on Monday said it had always produced books to meet the specifications of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports in all past book procurement programmes of the Ministry.

It said, "We participated credibly in the 'Book Scheme for basics Schools' project in 1999 and were also able to produce to meet the specifications of a similar scheme for JSS in 2001."

A statement signed by Mr Stephen Brobbey, Executive Secretary of the Association made available to the Ghana News Agency on misconceptions about book publishing in Ghana in the wake of the judgement on the Ministry and Macmillan contract said 93whenever we have been given the opportunity to perform we have not failed to deliver."

The statement said the association's issue with the Ministry 'has been with the lateness and delays with payments and not for delivery.

"The first publishers to finish distribution of the textbooks were rather local while some overseas publishers were amongst the last group to complete distribution of their orders to the districts"

The statement explained the association went to court to ask the judge to give a ruling for three reasons which were to review the decision of the Public Procurement Board to grant permission to the Ministry to sole source the procurement of books from Macmillan Education, Oxford.

The court is also to review the selection process that led to the decision to sole source and to ensure that the contract is not executed in the future in the light of granting of the permission.

It said the association made up of 65 publishing companies with varying sizes from very small operators to some with fairly large could not be said to lack the capacity to produce books to meet deadlines.

Source: GNA