
Lotto Receivers On Strike

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 Source: Democrat

…Over attempts to reduce commission from 25% to 20%

Source :Daily Democrat

Lotto receivers numbering over 8000 across the country on Wednesday 9th February,2011 started a strike action in protest against what they term National Lotteries Authority’s (NLA) disrespect towards them; divide and rule tactics and frantic efforts to reduce their commission from the traditional 25% to 20% without consultations.

Sources close to the Association claim the decision to embark on the strike action became necessary after they realized that the NLA management has put up publications declaring their determination to implement the new commission regime of 20%.

According to the receivers, they will resist all moves to reduce their income because it is a threat to their business and a betrayal of years of loyal and dedicated service to the nation in revenue mobilization.

The National Executive Council of the Lotto Receivers Union last month strongly stated their position to go on strike if management refuses to rescind its decision to reduce their commissions.

This accusation was contained in an eleven point resolution adopted at a national executive council meeting of the National Lotto Receiver’s Union of the national lotto authority held at the national secretariat on Wednesday 12th January, 2011.

According to them, the NLA has not acted in good faith considering the long working relationship that exists between them and their contributions towards the transformations of the lotto industry in Ghana.

Kofi Frimpong, secretary of the association said the relationship between the union and the management of NLA has not been the best since management’s attitude seems to suggest that they no longer want to work hand in hand with lotto receivers who constitute the core and the bulk of the force of NLA.

“Management erroneously believes that with the introduction of the marketing company’s concept, the union is irrelevant in its dealings with distribution and retail of NLA products,” he added

Lotto receivers who have worked with dedication for a number of years are denied access to TPM AUTOMATED machines. Instead, they have put in a threshold for receivers for sale of the coupons before they are considered for the allocation of machines.

A task, which they complain is very difficult to accomplish since lotto stakers prefer to patronize the automated system for the coupons.

Source: Democrat