



GhanaWeb TV





Tue, 23 May 1995 Source:  

It was unprecedented in Ghana's chequered history. A great moving mass of Ghanaians, numbering about 50,000 defied the threat of armoured vehicles, drunk, drugged and armed thugs, some on horseback, to make one great point to the NDC government of Jerry Rawlings: we are fed up with your mismanagement and insensitivity!

Described by even known NDC sympathisers as a "record crowd", the demonstrators, who came from all walks of like in response to the call by the Alliance for Change, held Accra spell-bound with the superb, well co-ordinated demonstration which took off from the Kwame Nkrumah Circle at 10 am.

Prior to the demonstration, the NDC government had tried to discourage shopkeepers and market women from joining the

demonstration by amateurishly trying to lay some red herrings. They announced on the state monopoly radio that the organisers had planned to cause trouble. The effect of this vile propaganda was to steel more Ghanaians in their resolve to join the march. The organisers certainly have the know-all NDC government to thank for organisers certainly have the know-all NDC government to tank for this!

Some of the placards they carried read, "J. J., Pay Us Living Wages," "J.J Go Away with VAT", "Aagbo Ye Ghana ooh". and "Council of State, Stop The Sycophancy." The overwhelming presence of the mass of "Kume Preko" freedom marchers completely frightened the NDC supporters who had been fed, drugged, paid and armed to disrupt the march.

In spite of their weapons - pistols, knives, cudgels, and pepper in syringes - the NDC rogues of E. T. Mensah and M. P. Said Sinare turned and bolted on seeing the great mass of fearless freedom marchers.

As the "kume preko" marchers pressed on to the central business district of the capital, a police armoured vehicle, name "Ntim Gyakari" made a feeble attempt to intimidate them. They stood their ground, forcing the killer vehicle to stop in its tracks and turn back.

Have defied the iron juggernaut, they now had very little regard for the armed gangs of thus. As they pressed forward to their destination, the NDC thugs took to their heels.

But some of them, with neutral apparel over their ACDR T- shirts, infiltrated the ranks of the freedom marchers. Many of these were efficiently flushed out.
