Sulemana Braimah, Executive Director of MFWA
Executive Director of the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Sulemana Braimah has complained bitterly about cyberattacks they have had to deal with.
These attacks comes in the wake of the Fourth Estate’s recent investigative report on government appointees involved in illegal mining in the country’s forest reserves.
What’s even worrying is the censorship by Facebook which has since the release of the report prevented them from sharing.
Regardless of the attacks, Sulemana Braimah indicates that they are resolute in their support for journalism and journalists.
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The challenges to our work are increasing. Multiple legal battles, series of threats, massive cyber attacks and now Facebook Censorship. But we will remain resilient in our commitment to serve the interest of the public through journalism and supporting journalism. After the publication of some stories, our websites The Media Foundation for West Africa(MFWA)
The Fourth Estate and Fact-Check Ghana all came under very severe cyber attack. For about 5 weeks, all our websites were down. Apologies to our supporters for that development. We had to rebuild them and thankfully, we are back online and we working to make them even better.
We will keep going because we know our supporters are far more than those who oppose and attack us.