

Fri, 21 Jul 1995 Source: --

The Ministry of Works and Housing and the Association of Building and Civil Contrators of Ghana (ABCCG) are working closely to streamline the and Civil Contractors of Ghana (ABCCG) are working closely to streamline the process to registering and upgrading of contractors.

The two bodies will also review the renewal and issuing of licences to contrators.

The President of the association, Mr. N T. P. Kupualor, dt the weekend. He said when the system is streamlined it will help the contractors to be competitive in approach to their work and therefore the chairman to educate their members to coperate with the ministry in the exercise by refraining from the old practice of obtaining licence.

The Northern Region branch of the association had accused the ministry for not only selling license to unskilled persons, but upgrading contractors licence without vetting and called for reversing the method which they said was tarnishing the image of the building industry.

Mr Kupualor told the delegates that, the full list of qualifies contractors throughout the country will be published in the national dailies by next Septmeber when the exercise is completed.

This, he explained will help various regional administrations and district assemblies to know the contractors that deal with in respect of award of jobs.

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